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Sept. 22, 2014
Town of Princeton, Mass. -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Sept. 22, 2014
6:02 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

6:00 PMState Representative Kim Ferguson
Rep. Ferguson reported that State Senator Harriette Chandler could not attend and sent her regrets.

Rep. Ferguson reported that she is one of only four members of the House to be appointed to the Foundation Budget Review Commission. The charge of the Commission contained in Department of Early and Secondary Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester’s report to his board is “… reviewing the assumptions and factors used to set annual minimum spending levels and state aid allotments for every school district in the Commonwealth.”  Rep. Ferguson cited Princeton’s and the other Wachusett Regional School District towns’ strong advocacy for re-examination and restructuring the formula currently in use as a contributing factor to her appointment. She informed the Board that the Commission is on a very fast timeline and is to issue its report by June 30, 2015. Rep. Ferguson requested the Town provide her with any data it wishes for her to review, The Board congratulated the representative on her appointment and instructed John to advise her appointment to the Advisory Board as it has been very active in researching this matter.

Rep. Ferguson informed the Board that the legislature is in informal session through the end of the year and that no major bills are likely to move until formal session resumes in January. Rep. Ferguson reported that nothing is currently happening with release of any Information Technology Bond Bill funds but that she is keeping an active watch and will inform the Town of any developments. The Board thanked her for her work on behalf of the Town and noted with appreciation her ongoing support of the Town’s application for Transportation Improvement Program funds for reconstruction of Route 140 in East Princeton and for the town’s application for a MassWorks Infrastructure Grant for the area of Route 140 in the vicinity of its intersection with Fitchburg Road (Route 31).

New Business
Appoint Acting Parks and Recreation Director, Acting Council on Aging Director and Acting Princeton Center Manager
John requested that he be appointed to the positions due to Sue Shanahan’s extended medical leave. He thought it was in the Town’s best interest that there is a staff person regularly available for any signatory purposes and to maintain effectiveness. He had consulted in advance this request to the chairs and several members of the three volunteer boards and found support to the concept. He expressed much appreciation that the three volunteer boards were taking on additional responsibility in Sue’s absence.
On a motion by Stan, seconded by Edie the Board voted unanimously to appoint John Lebeaux Acting Parks and Recreation Director, Acting Council on Aging Director and Acting Princeton Center Manager until Sue Shanahan returns from medical leave

Old Business
Act on Police Dispatch Contract
John presented a signed version of the Memorandum of Agreement to extend the AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF PRINCETON AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL #170 DISPATCHERS JULY 1, 2011 – JUNE 30, 2014 with three changes: (1) extends term to July 1, 2014 through June 30, 1015; (2) increases wages by two per cent (2%); (3) maintains health care coverage at an 80%/20% Town/Employee share for any full-time dispatchers directly moving to the Town of Holden’s regional dispatch program during the Town of Holden’s mandatory sixty day waiting period.

On a motion by Stan, seconded by Edie the Board voted unanimously to ratify and sign the Memorandum of Agreement.
Report on Status of Facilities Study
John reported that the Request for Qualifications will be advertised as required by the Designer Selection Law this week and submissions are due by October 23 at 3 PM. There will be a briefing session and tour on October 8. The project consists of a building by building evaluation to ascertain the physical condition of each facility for the purposes of establishing a priority ranking to serve as a tool to implement needed repairs and improvements. The study will serve as a general guide to identify necessary repairs and potential improvements. Detailed designs and detailed project descriptions are not expected as part of the study.

The Buildings to be included in the Study are:
  • Bagg Hall (Town Hall), 6 Town Hall Drive
  • Public Safety Building, 8 Town Hall Drive
  • Town Hall Annex, 4 Town Hall Drive
  • Goodnow Memorial Building (Library), 2 Town Hall Drive
  • Princeton Center, 18 Boylston Ave.
  • Fire Station Two, Route 140, north of East Princeton Road
The principal elements of the Study are to:
  • Conduct a study of existing conditions of each building. Study will note observable deficiencies. No destructive testing will be conducted as part of study
  • Create a prioritized report of Capital Repairs and Upgrades Recommendations.
An additional element of the Study is to investigate and discuss the necessary actions and related costs to reopen Bagg Hall second floor for community use.

John reviewed the Board’s selection process as set forth in the Designer Selection Guidelines it adopted October 21, 2013. Edie, John and Building Maintenance person Phil Connors will review qualifications and advance a list of finalists to the Board.

The suggested timeline is for the Board to award a contract at its December 2 meeting and for the final report to be due one hundred twenty (120) days thereafter.

Letter from Wachusett Area Chamber of Commerce re: Police Sergeant Ricky Thebeau named “Public Safety Person of the Year” and invitation to associated “Salute Breakfast.” The Board directed John to draft a letter of congratulations to Sgt. Thebeau.

Letter from Dave Matthews re: Matthews Lane Reclamation
The Board acknowledged the excellent work by the Road Advisory Committee, Highway Superintendent Glenn Lyons and all Highway Department employees to quickly add this project to the current construction schedule and integrate the unexpected additional state funding made available through the Winter Rapid Recovery Road Program. Neil noted the Conservation Commission’s role in expediting its work to help meet the tight deadlines imposed by the Mass. Department of Transportation.

Notice from International Society of Arboriculture re: Tree Warden Chris Courville achieving Certified Arborist Status
The Board directed John to draft a letter of congratulations with copies to Light Commission and PMLD Gen. Mgr. Brian Allen.

Public Comment
Resident Terry Thompson called three items to the Board’s attention:
  • Ripped plastic on second floor Town Hall Windows is unsightly. John agreed and will address.
  • Unkempt large shrubs in front of Town Hall. John will take a look and offered to review the shrubs with Mrs. Thompson.
  • Weedy appearance at the recently installed Wendy’s Garden outside the Library. She asked who was responsible for maintenance. John responded that his understanding is that library volunteers were responsible. He will take a look.
At 7:03 PM the Board took a recess and the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant convened. At 7:41 PM at the adjournment of the MLP meeting the Board of Selectmen meeting resumed.

Minutes and Warrants
The Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Sep. 8.
The Board reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #6  
At 7:55 PM the Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,
John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:   Secondary Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester’s report to Board of Elementary and Secondary Education 9/12/14; Memorandum of Agreement to extend the AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF PRINCETON AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL #170 DISPATCHERS JULY 1, 2011 – JUNE 30, 2014; Town of Princeton Facilities Study RFQ; BOS Designer Selection Guidelines; Central Register submission; Worcester Telegram proof;, Letter from Wachusett Area Chamber of Commerce re: Police Sergeant Ricky Thebeau named “Public Safety Person of the Year” and invitation to associated “Salute Breakfast”; Letter from Dave Matthews, Matthews Lane re: Matthews Lane Reclamation; Notice from International Society of Arboriculture re: Tree Warden Chris Courville achieving Certified Arborist Status