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August 25, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN -- Aug. 25, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Town Administrator John Lebeaux and Adm. Asst. Marie Auger.

Cemetery Commission chairman Lou Trostel and member Lynne Grettum in with recommendation for filling vacant cemetery supt. position. After fielding several candidates, the board recommends Andrew Brown, 91 Ball Hill Road. It was explained that the Town had previously combined the positions of superintendent with working foreman but the new hire will not be a working foreman. Former Supot. Bruce Rolllins is still on staff as a the senior seasonal laborer for the Cemetery Commission. The new superintendent’s job will only involve the management side on a year round, part-time basis. Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Andrew Brown as cemetery superintendent for a term through June 30, 2015.

Ken Seims was in for Friends of Mechanics Hall with a request to use the building and grounds for “Town-wide Yard Sale” September 27. Selectmen voted all in favor to allow their use of the town property on Sept. 27 as well as drop-off dates of Sept. 11 & 16 from 6-7 p.m. and Sept. 20 from 8-10 a.m. plus any rain dates if necessary.

6:15 PM  The three bids to the Highway Department for reconstruction of Hickory Drive and Oak Circle were read and the board voted all in favor to award the job to E.H. Perkins with a low bid of $579,525 total—and sign the contract.

6:20 PM  Board talked to Fire Chief John Bennett about the deadline for his one-year contract renewal and acknowledged that they approve its automatic renewal for another year. He reported on how other towns are using online forms for inspections and permits and John L. noted that a bank must be involved for payments—many municipalities including Princeton are using UniBank currently. The Princeton FD is moving towards online appointments for inspections. Mr. Bennett also discussed the ambulance fund and abatements which accountants require to culminate failed collection procedures. He said he would submit a report for the next meeting. Neil S. announced that Tim Kelly just passed the 17 year mark at the Princeton FD.
The selectmen received an “Ice Bucket Challenge” from the fire chief, and will take it up at the conclusion of their Sept. 8 meeting.

Old Business
6:35 PM  The selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Susan Mitchell, 194 Ball Hill Road, and Brian Keevan, 32 Mirick Road to the Conservation Commission with terms to expire June 30, 2015.

New Business
6:45 PM  The selectmen considered  ‘Berkshire To Boston’ bicycle tour request for Friday, Sept. 19 rolling through town on Route 62 from Hubbardston to Sterling, The board voted all in favor to approve the road use as the promoters have met any requirements or conditions of the police and fire departments.

Town Clerk submitted Priscilla Hatch of 338 Mirick Road and selectmen voted all in favor to appoint her as an election official for a term through July 28, 2015.

The board voted all in favor to appoint Tom Daly as alternate through June 30, 2015 for Princeton on the CMRPC. The PB has appointed Jon Fudeman as delegate.

Other Business
Neil S. announced that TP School is up 18 students this year—and they are all town residents..
Stan M. noted that John Kowaleski on the Broadband Committee is still recovering and will be for months and would like to participate from home, possibly just listening in by speaker phone or remote participation, for two-way interaction, which the BOS can only approve all board/committee meetings. Neil suggests that a board or committee formally request it then the BOS will consider it.

Minutes and Warrants
Board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for Aug. 11 with correction to dates (which said July 28)
The board then reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #4   
7:20 PM  The Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:   Contract for paving project with EH Perkins; request letter for town-wide yard sale; resumes from ConsComm candidates; Letter naming alternate representative for CMRPC; bicycle tour request; Letter of recommendation from Cemetery Commission.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department