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July 28, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- July 28, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman, Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Adm. Asst. Marie Auger. Town Administrator John Lebeaux out on vacation.

New Business
Board voted all in favor to sign the State Primary Election Warrant for September 9, 2014.

Appointment of election officers was postponed to Aug. 11 meeting as list had not been received.

Board voted all in favor to award bids for DPW materials/projects from bid openings on June 25 and July 16. Lowest bidders were: June 25 Bid Opening Crack Sealing awarded to: Crack Sealing Inc. of Taunton; Fuel awarded to: Radio Oil of Worcester; Winter Sand awarded to: Pitcherville Sand & Gravel; Stone & Gravel awarded to: E.H. Perkins Construction,
Sterling;       Line Painting awarded to: HI-Way Safety Systems, Inc., Rockland, Mass.  July 16 Bid Opening -- Hot asphalt paving-in-place, installed awarded to: P.J. Keating, Lunenburg

6:15 PM  Board received a letter from Tom Lynch announcing his resignation from Conservation Commission after 26 years. He noted that he would be available for consultation. Selectmen reviewed some of the town boards and committees Tom has served with over the years—as well as being named Outstanding Citizen of the Year 2008--and asked Marie to draft a letter of thanks which they could sign on Tuesday.

Board discussed membership in Mass. Municipal Association and its benefits, noting that annual dues had increased two percent this year. They voted all in favor to pay the membership for FY 2015 invoice dated July 1, 2014, for $488 and appoint the town administrator as delegate to conferences and acting on selectmen’s behalf.

Other Business
6:20 PM The board received a letter July 25 from Marcia Sands regarding degraded road surface around the railroad tracks at the Hubbardston/Gates road crossing. Neil had inspected the site with Hwy. Supt. Glenn Lyons and ascertained that the damaged surface is not the town’s pavement but rubber mat material which bridges the center span between the rails along with one-foot wide margins outside the rails. He reported that P&W had the site on a to-do list. Stan mentioned that P&W had already done a rehab on the road surface at the Ball Hill Road crossing. The board voted all in favor to ask town administrator to follow up with P&W or whoever can resolve the issue on Hubbardston Road and also to get a warning sign in place at the RR crossing —during the interim--for bicycles and motorcycles.

Edie M. requested that BOS and Advisory Board receive email notice of Broadband Committee meetings and Stan said both boards will be put on the distribution list.

Warrants and Minutes
Selectmen reviewed and approve vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #2.
They voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for July14.

6:40 PM  The Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Letter from Tom Lynch; letter from Marcia Sands; State Primary Election Warrant; DPW bid results; MMA dues invoice;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department