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June 30
 Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- June 30, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman, Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

Selectmen had discussion with Town Clerk Lynne Grettum regarding voting machine purchase. Current machines purchased in 1996 work fine but are heavy and support from supplier is being phased out. New machines offered by two companies certified by state are much smaller at 2 lbs vs. 50 lbs. and use thermal printing with no magnetic tapes. She said replacement is inevitable, just need to decide when, and change must occur at least 120 days before an election. New equipment runs about $6,000 with about $1,500 for training (may not be necessary). Purchase under $10,000 doesn’t need to go out to bid and payment method was discussed, including reserve fund transfer.

Other Business
6:25 PM  As Bruce Rollins has vacated the cemetery superintendent post, board is still looking for replacement and need becomes urgent if there is a burial anytime soon. Superintendent is needed to oversee burials, including personal service and the construction component. John L. suggested a new model for a combined position that may serve DPW in winter and cemeteries in summer. He noted that Highway Department does the job in many towns.

New Business
Nimrod League of Holden submitted application for a change of bar manager at the club, replacing Robert J. Horgan with Gary Girardi. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the change and signed the certificate.

Board considered request from Greenman Pedersen Inc., the engineers for the East Princeton/Route 140 bridge/road project regarding progress payment in advance of the payment schedule. All monies have already been appropriated, and hold-ups occurred with addition of two amendments to the contract. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize Town Administrator to adjust payment terms and pay GPI $145,425 to cover the amended Phase I costs.

6:55 PM  Considered request from Town of Spencer BOS seeking collaboration of communities relative to MGL Chapters 70, 71 and 74 funding, especially around regional school and transportation. Stan M. noted that Mass. Municipal Association has a commission looking onto these issues. The board voted all in favor to support the effort.

Old Business
BOS received list of FY 15 Board, Committee and Commission appointments for FY’15. They noticed three people on COA all have same term ending date; also, four on ConComm expired in 2014 and three in 2016. Board decided that new appointments can be staggered with 1, 2 or 3 year terms. The selectmen voted all in favor to approve 16 appointments as listed. Stan M. suggests that Town Clerk, in slow summer months, check through the terms of all boards. The BOS then signed appointment cards for Police Department, which they had approved at a previous meeting.

Other Business
The board received info in a letter about ongoing effort to rejuvenate Worcester County Selectmen’s Association. They are looking to expand but BOS did not join last year. Of the county’s 56 towns, about 24 are members. Neil S. noted that it may be worthwhile but may be difficult to attend meetings, which are held bimonthly or quarterly during the day. It was mentioned that the MMA already has a statewide selectmen’s group. The BOS agreed to take it under advisement.

Neil S. read a letter from a mother of a girl involved in a car accident (not serious) in which he raved about the town’s public safety staff and how well they handled the situation.

Stan M. reported on status of broadband effort, noting that a meeting with attorneys will be posted as part of development of a separate municipal light plant (MLP). The board voted all in favor to designate Stan as the BOS representative for meetings with Wired West.

7:25 PM  Ken Whitney reports that the new Public Safety tower is done but needs OK from a private engineer on the grounding test. Another contactor actually hooks up all wiring with the service cabinet. Final swap of equipment and communication switch from old tower may be done by October.

John L. reported that CMMPO has put the East Princeton project on TIP schedule for FY 2018.
Warrants and Minutes
Board reviewed and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY14 #26 and FY’15 #1. They invoked “Rule of Necessity” to sign the BOS stipend.  Voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for June 13 and June 16.

7:45 PM  The Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  List of appointments for FT’15; Nimrod League of Holden application for a change of Bar Manager; letter from GPI regarding EP project payment; letter from Worc. Cty. Selectmen Assoc.; letter praising Public Safety staff

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department