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May 5, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- May 5, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Members of the Advisory Board in attendance: Chairman John Shipman, David Cruise and Joe Lotuff.

New Business  
 John L. explained that the BOS can authorize a reserve fund transfer to address the deficit of $17,917 in the DPW snow & ice removal fund. If selectmen do it ahead of the ATM, it will make Article 16 on the warrant unnecessary and it can be passed over. The board voted all in favor to move $17,917.55 to go into the snow removal expense account.

A request from the Fire Department was on the agenda, for authorization to implement certain fees for fire alarms and sprinklers. The item was postponed until FD staff can attend and explain the details, as John L. didn’t have enough info.

Old Business  
6:12 PM  Board reviewed the list of motions proposed for each article on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant with John L. He pointed out that the entire $8.9 million town budget has only increased by less than a half-percent. John also stated that motions are presented on the ATM floor and that this list simply provided a model or suggestion for each article’s sponsor.
Other Business
Neil S. announced that Princeton Little llllLegue opened last Saturday with Stan M. speaking at the event. The T-ball program is coed and has grown in participants since last year. He also announced that Kelton Burbank from the Open Space Committee would like his group to meet with Selectmen to discuss their latest project—to create and connect hiking trails in a general loop around the perimeter of town.

Board decided to post a pre-ATM meeting of the BOS at 6:40 PM at TP School.

Stan reported on demonstration of Mass Broadband Fiber-optic service at the library last Saturday, with dozens of residents checking out the high-speed internet available there now. He also noted that Princeton native Barry Van Dusen was featured on the front page of the T&G today as a prize-winning “master wildlife artist.”

John L. stated that he would supply minutes from the joint meeting with the Advisory Board that was on April 28 at noon.

Stan pointed out that Mothers Day breakfast is at East Princeton Fire Station Sunday from 8 – 11 AM

Warrants and Minutes
6:35 PM  Selectmen reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants FY14 #22.   They voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for April 22 and May 1 [signed ATM warrant].

6:45 PM  The Board voted all in favor to recess and possibly attend Advisory Board public hearing on ATM at 7 PM and possibly not re-convene.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Draft of motions proposed for articles on the 2014 ATM warrant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department