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April 22, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- April 22, 2014

6:05 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Five members of the Advisory Board in attendance: Chairman John Shipman, George Handy, Jim O’Coin, David Cruise and Joe Lotuff.

New Business  
Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Terry Hart to the Memorial Day Committee for a term to expire 6/30/14.
6:10 PM  John L. explained proposed agreement between Town of Princeton and police patrol officers. The 3-year contract includes a 2% pay increase each year for 3 years; a provision for education incentive is included for officers not eligible for the Quinn Bill. John said he believed it was a good deal. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the proposed agreement between Town and police officers for the period from 7/1/14 to 6/30/17 and John will prepare a contract for them to sign.

Old Business  
6:12 PM  Board reviewed Draft Annual Town Meeting Warrant with John L. going through each article, in final order. Some discussion about intricacies of Article 5 which asks for up to $5,000 for legal or other fees associated with broadband readiness. Advisory Board member suggested the money request be consolidated with Article 4 which establishes a telecommunications MLP to manage a new broadband infrastructure and operation. Questions raised about OPEB [Other Post-Employment Benefits] unfunded liabilities and John L, pointed out that the town has been funding OPEB for several years so is ahead of the situation.
Adv. Board members also asked about zoning articles since they are being asked to make a recommendation.
7:15 PM Some PB members are scheduled to meet with Adv. Bd. at 7 PM, and chairman Tom Daly, John Mirick and Jon Fudeman came in and both boards convened at in the small room.

        John L. outlined a 2% increase in most salaries as cost of living according to the salary schedule, with some positions getting more in step increases. He explained certain protocols for ATM, that the budget gets voted first, then articles with funding requests come after. Reconsideration of any vote can occur within 30 minutes of the time it was first considered.
        The total FY’15 town budget is $8,916,541 up 0.19% from $8,899,800 in FY’14. Discussion ensued about the levy and levy limit and how taxes are calculated. John L. will forward reports and figures that outline these figures. He advised board that as of the May atm, the town is funding 50 % of Phase III engineering for the Route 140 East Princeton road project.
        Selectmen agreed to move $5,000 request from Article 5 into Article 4, to maintain transparency as per request of Adv. Bd. They considered calling a special meeting on Thursday, May 1 to approve the warrant but will finalize that date after Adv. Bd. meets on April 28

Other Business
Stan announced that Mass Broadband Fiber-optic service is now at Town Hall and the library.

Warrants and Minutes
7:25 PM  Selectmen reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants FY14 #21.   They voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for April 7 and voted with Edith abstaining to approve April 10 [w/ WRSD].

7:30 PM  The Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Police Budget FY’15 budget spreadsheet and materials. Draft of articles proposed for 2014 ATM warrant; OPEB report 6/30/13.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department