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February 10, 2014
Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- February 10, 2014

6:05 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss,  Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. The chair noted that Neil Sulmasy would be late.
---Five members of the Advisory Board were in attendance: John Shipman, David Cruse, George Handy, Wayne Adams and Jim O’Coin. John L. explained the town’s veterans caseload went from one to two individuals and the fund for veterans services was deficit. The fund was down to $959.80 and selectmen are requesting $4,500 to transfer into it from the General Fund. The town receives 75 percent reimbursement but it’s in the next fiscal year. The two selectmen voted all in favor to approve the transfer and the five Advisory Board members voted all in favor to approve the transfer. Both boards signed the release authorization.
        John L. announced the Budget Calendar had a change in the date of the two boards meeting with the regional school district. It’s moved from February to March 3. The two boards reviewed a budget summary and revenue estimates on spreadsheets which were distributed.

6:15 PM  Neil S. arrived.
---Discussion ensued with explanations about the town’s levy limit and how the town does not spend up to its maximum allowed. The town’s excellent bond rating reflects that, and stabilization funds are also a factor, which John L. explained. George H. asked for information about the levy limits for the most recent several years. It was noted that the last page of the spreadsheet contained most of that info. Any outstanding debt is tied to school projects. Cherry sheet reimbursement last year was $438,000 and FY’15 is anticipated at $444,000. John L. explained the PILOT  monies that Princeton collects from DCR, Fitchburg and Worcester—mostly for watershed land. He also announced that budget requests from most boards and departments had no change—level funding sufficient. The Broadband Committee was requesting $1,000 for mailings. The new regional animal control program means the ACO position is paid by the host town of Rutland so it’s no longer a line item in Princeton.

New Business
7:15 PM  Judith Cote had requested to sell back to the town 3 lots in Woodlawn Cemetery--approved by the Cemetery Commission on Jan. 27. The selectmen voted all in favor to buy back three cemetery lots for $675. and signed the deed.
---Selectmen discussed adopting remote participation when members cannot physically make a meeting, but participate electronically. If adopted, it must include the entire town’s boards or not at all. It cannot be used to make a quorum, and it requires a listening/speaking device, such as speaker phone or Skype. Neil noted that an iphone is of sufficient quality. All agreed to think about it and consider it at a future time.
---The board received a resignation letter from Judy DeNittis from the Council on Aging. It was noted that Terri Thompson was interested in getting on the COA and was recommended by Sue Shanahan. It will be on next agenda. The BOS will send a letter of thanks to Judy.

Other Business
Stan gave an update on Broadband Committee activities and group discussed options for public access to internet within public buildings including school and library.

Warrants and Minutes
8 PM  Members reviewed and approved vendor and payroll warrants: FY14 #16  and  voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes and Executive Session minutes for Jan. 27, 2013 but did not release exec. session minutes.

8:25 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Budget Summary #1 2-5-14; FY 15 Budget Calendar Draft #2;  Open Mtg. Law-guide 8-1-13 Remote Participation; Reserve Fund transfer MEMO 11-18-13; Resignation letter DeNittis COA; Revenue Estimate #1 2-5-14

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department