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Nov. 18, 2013
Town of Princeton, Mass.  --  BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- November 18, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

Scheduled Meetings/Appointments

Board considered an Ambulance Refusal Billing Policy-document from Chief Bennett, who explained that of an average 140 medical emergency calls annually, 20 percent refuse ambulance transport. His department must expend staff time, including on-site treatment and supplies to each call that only gets reimbursed [by the patient’s insurance] when there is ambulance transport. Also, recently the state mandated that all refusals must be logged into the state report along with regular ambulance runs. Bennett noted that many calls come from Wachusett Mountain Reservation visitors, mainly hikers—not the ski area. It can cost the FD anywhere from $500 - $800 for ambulance calls. Bennett suggests billing calls that refuse ambulance transport at a minimum of $100 for BLS [basic life support] or $400 for ALS [advanced]—just enough to cover costs at bare minimum. He added that many communities are billing refusals.
        The Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the proposal as outlined by Chief Bennett to bill patients for ambulance calls that are refused.
        Bennett and Deputy Tim Kelly also discussed getting an extra box to access the Direct TV which now services the Police Dept., as the extra cost is only a few dollars per month. They noted that news, weather and emergency communications should be available for both public safety facilities.

New Business
6:15 PM  Selectmen reviewed license renewals for two auto dealer operations. They voted to sign the Class II Automobile Dealer's License renewal for  Princeton Enterprises, Inc. under Larry Digney, and for Chris Goodnow Auto Sales.
        Board considered Montachusett Public Health Network Intermunicipal Agreement, with Terri Longtine, staff for the BOH and health agent Chris Knuth present to explain the benefits, along with MPHN Atty. Joan Langsam. The BOH may participate in programs voluntarily on a cafeteria style basis, and any downstream costs not supported by a grant would be paid from the BOH revolving fund and not from the taxpayers. The MPHN will help towns meet public health mandates from the state, and provide services when needed of public health doctors and nurses. With 11 member cities and towns, the volume enables them to obtain public health grants and services from the state and federal government, so far including two grants for sharps collection boxes and medication take back boxes and a grant for stroke prevention education in our senior centers. There is a $300 annual fee and a one year termination clause. John L. reported that it is a great value for the town.

6:25 PM  On a motion made by Neil S. and seconded by Edith M., the three selectmen voted all in favor to approve and sign the Intermunicipal Agreement to include Princeton among the (now) 11 communities participating in the Montachusett Public Health Network.

6:35 PM  The board discussed disposition of 140 Ball Hill Road, which is abandoned and unsecured since an explosion/fire last year, and communications with legal owners has not been successful. A bidding process to demolish and clean up the property resulted in a low bid of $9,900. An abutter Barbara Dietrich of 154 Ball Hill road, was present and stated that she would like to purchase the property as farmland. The town is able, under state statute, to demolish and secure the site, without owning it. John L. recommended to selectmen that up to $13,000 may be needed and can be taken from the Building Maintenance account.
        The board voted all in favor to allow up to $13,000 from Building Maintenance to be spent cleaning up 140 Ball Hill Road.

Other Business
 6:50 PM  Stan read a letter from Whitaker Lane resident Brad Klar praising the BOS for its action on a fire chief appointment
John L. announced that Rebecca Peterson for the WRSD had sent a report on the superintendent hiring process. A memo was sent from interim superintendent Gasbarro inviting selectmen from all five towns to come to a series of two-hour meetings scheduled over four days to interview the four finalists.

7 PM  Six members of Advisory Board came in to discuss some last-minute expense. A Reserve Fund transfer is being requested for the Veterans Services Expense Account, since the town’s caseload just increased from one to two. The state reimburses the town at 75 percent. The transfer requires approval of both boards. The Selectmen voted all in favor to make a Reserve Fund transfer of $4,500 to the Veterans Services Expense Account. The Advisory Board then voted all in favor on the same motion.

It was announced that a Holiday Party for town staff and boards would be at the Mountain Barn on Wed., Dec. 11 at 6:30 p.m.

Both boards discussed the equity issue regarding Princeton’s portion of the WRSD budget and Chapter 70 disbursements to each town in the regional school system. Stan M. suggested getting together with key individuals, such as selectmen, school committee reps and someone who knows the history such as Joe O’Brien and/or Phil Mighdoll.

The Advisory Bd. asked about PMLD’s financial issues and Stan noted that the BOS was meeting with PMLD commissioners on Wednesday, Nov. 20

Warrants and Minutes
BOS reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 # 10
The board approved minutes for Nov. 4, 2013 and Nov. 12, 2013 as well as Executive Session minutes of November 4, 2013 (not to be released)

7:38 PM  Stan reported on a recent walk-through at Boylston Park with forester Tom Sullivan and Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan. Sullivan recommends clear cutting a few acres to create habitat diversity. There is now mostly mature hickory, birch ash, beech, conifers and even ironwood. Plans for the 60+ acres include multi-use paths to be cleared.

7:45 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  proposal as outlined by Chief Bennett; Class II Automobile Dealer's License renewals for  Princeton Enterprises, Inc. under Larry Digney, and for Chris Goodnow Auto Sales; Montachusett Public Health Network Intermunicipal Agreement

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department