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Sept. 23, 2013

 Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   --  September 23, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

Scheduled Meetings/Appointments

6 PM Thomas Prince School Principal Mary Cringan came in to explain the Wreaths Across America [] program which the TP School will help host this year. The Worcester Wreath Co. of Maine sends truckloads of wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery for veterans’ graves, and the caravan stops along the way to deliver to groups who receive wreaths for their local veterans’ cemeteries. Between stops at Topsfield and Westfield, the caravan—with police and motorcycle escorts--will be stopping in Princeton at TP School—the first time they’re visiting a school. Ms. Cringan said that grades 3 – 5 will put wreaths on graves of veterans within town. Some middle school students will be placing wreaths at the Mass. Veterans Cemetery in Winchendon as they have in past years. Princeton is receiving a total of 300 wreaths to be sold at $15 each; generally paid by relatives or donors. Middle School students are donating $600 [they have raised] to buy the wreaths for the Winchendon site. The delivery date is Dec. 10 and Ms. Cringan asked Selectmen to request snowplowing the cemetery entrances if there’s a snow event that day.

New Business

6:15 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to pay annual dues of $478.00 for membership in Mass. Municipal Association for FY 14.

John L. reported on work done by the Underutilized Assets Committee resulting in recent receipt of a grant from DCR for [up to] $1,472 to create a Forest Stewardship Plan at Boylston Park. Grant requires 25% contribution from town, but that can be in-kind, such as volunteer participation or DPW site work. The 60-acre park on Calamint Hill Road is all wooded, so a lumber operation will come in for ‘salvage’ clearing, to harvest cordwood with selective cutting to open up the space for recreational use. The plan needs to be done by winter’s end so that work can start in spring.

Old Business

John noted that Cemetery Commissioners haven’t received satisfactory response to job opening for Cemetery Superintendent position, which is at low end of pay scale. Bruce Rollins is willing to stay on board, but commissioners are requesting salary increase to $16.29 per hour. The board voted all in favor for the increase, which will not require change in the department’s budget because the department has other funding sources including plot sales.

6:30 PM  Stan M. gave report on progress of Broadband Committee, distributed as a handout.  It includes news about a bond bill of $40 million for “underserved communities” of which Princeton is one; the completion of the utility infrastructure mapping project Phase 1; a potential design contract with locally-owned Bay State Networks and an info postcard sent recently to all households in town.

John L. reported that the Regional Animal Control program inter-town contract is almost ready to sign, with minor edits and final proofread by town counsel.
He also noted that more time is needed in the Facilities Study-Designer Selection process.

Other Business

Neil reported that he is recruiting individuals to serve on an ad hoc EMS Review Committee. Possible participants may be Charles Schmohl, Jon Fudeman, Ann Littlefield, Robert Sauer Greg Volturo and Jim O’Coin. They will review work already done by former Public Safety Committee and come up with recommendations about a fire chief position. Selectmen anticipate task should be completed with no more than a couple of meetings.

The public safety communications tower is being replaced in a different location next to the public safety building, and a special permit is being issued by the Planning Board. The public hearing is set for Oct. 2 at 7:50 PM in the Town Hall Annex. The selectmen voted all in favor to support a quick approval of the permit, to ensure that the regional dispatch project can move forward as planned and on time.

Warrants and Minutes

The board reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants:  FY14 # 6

The board voted all in favor to approve minutes for  Sept. 9 – Regular Meeting plus approve but not release Exec. Session minutes from same night.

6:07 PM  Selctmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Document from DCR describing grant approval for forestry stewardship and Working Forest Initiative Program; Report on updates of Broadband Committee