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September 9, 2013
 Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN   --  September 9, 2013
6:00 PM  Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business

6:05 PM –The board considered the tree warden position, recently vacated by Bob Mason who had served for one year. John L. recommended Christopher Courville, general foreman at PMLD, who came in with PMLD Gen. Mgr. Brian Allen to discuss the job. Mr. Courville had a key role in developing the Vegetative Management Plan which is being used for roadway foliage cutting and trimming around utility poles and wires throughout town. Edith asked him to outline his qualifications and he talked about being in the utility business for over 20 years, working with wires, poles and trees. He has a personal interest in trees and cultivates a small-scale fruit orchard. Stan noted that the tree warden works for the town under direction of the town administrator. There was some discussion about conflicting duties and interests with light dept. staff serving in a town position, but John noted that MGL Chapt. 87 clearly defines the tree warden duties and protocol for public hearings, etc. He also presented a list of surrounding communities in which a highway or light department employee also serves as tree warden, pointing out that it’s an extension of DPW duties. It was also noted that Chris’s PMLD duties would supercede his tree warden duties when circumstances warranted.
                Selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Mr. Courville as Tree Warden starting immediately for a term through June 30, 2014.

6:25 PM  --John discussed several recent committee/board resignations and said a letter would go out thanking individuals for their service. With Terry Hart resigning from the Memorial Day Committee, it leaves three openings on that board. Mr. Hart also said he would be leaving the Advisory Board as soon as someone else steps up to fill the position. There were also three seats on the Council on Aging with resignations from Priscilla Genest, Beverly Lind and Edith Johnston.

Scheduled Meetings/Appointments

6:30 PM  Stan opened the public hearing for a package store liquor license transfer for the Wachusett Wine Trader at 206 Worcester Road Suite 203, in Post Office Place owned by Amy Richardson, J&W Enterprises LLC. New owner Susan DeLiddo came in with Louis DiNatale to describe their plans for the shop. The new name will be The Thirsty Lab and she is considering an organic juice bar and coffee with a café seating area, along with fresh-made cocktail mixers, cheeses and specialty food and beverage items.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the transfer of the license at 206 Worcester Road Suite 203 from J&W Enterprises LLC, dba Wachusett Wine Trader to DeLiddo LLC, dba The Thirsty Lab. The state ABCC must approve the transfer before ownership can change.

New Business

6:40 PM  To fill an opening on the Agricultural Commission, the board voted to appoint Craig Stimson for a term through June 30 2016.

As a heads-up, John L. outlined the procedure for facilities study—designer selection as described in a manual issued by the state. The first step is for the Board to adopt a written Designer Selection Procedures. John is preparing a draft for the Board to consider.

Other Business

Neil S. reported on the successful completion of the new playground at the TP School. A ribbon cutting ceremony last Friday brought over 100 families eager to try out the new equipment. The event was tied into the PTA Ice Cream Social.

Stan reported for the Broadband Committee utility pole survey. Up to last week, over 1000 poles had been inventoried. About 3000 poles are anticipated when the task is completed. Volunteers have been driving along roads, and a passenger steps out to snap a photo and take a GRS reading of each pole.

Warrants and Minutes

6:50 PM   Board voted all in favor to approve minutes for Aug. 26 with a minor clarification from Edith about the CMMPO. They also voted all in favor to approve but not release the executive session minutes from the same night.

Selectmen reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants:  FY14 # 5

Executive Session

7:22 Stan made a motion: “to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(2), to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union personnel and not to reconvene into open session.” Edith seconded, and board took unanimous roll-call vote to go into Executive and to adjourn regular meeting at end of executive session.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Manual and overview letter of Facilities Study—Designer Selection Process; resignation letters from Hart, Genest, Lind, Johnston. Liquor License Transfer application and documents.