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July 1, 2013
Town of Princeton, MA
July 1, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM in the Annex. Present were Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux. Also attending was a quorum of the Advisory Board at its concurrent posted meeting.

Warrants and Minutes
The Board reviewed and signed FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 26 and FY 14 Vendor Warrant #00.

The Board reviewed and voted all in favor to approve meeting minutes of June 17, 2013.

Scheduled Meetings/Appointments
6 PM Wachusett Regional School District
Deputy Superintendent Darryl McCall and Business Manager Joseph Scanlon met with the Board to discuss the recently amended WRSD budget. Also attending were Princeton’s WRS Committee members Robert Imber and Matthew Lindberg. Interim Superintendent Anthony Gasbarro could not attend.

Darryl and Joe related that the Minimum Local Contributions for all district towns changed dramatically as the General Court did not support Governor Patrick’s initial budget filing and the proposed additional taxes to support it.

As a result the School Committee voted new assessments on June 26. Princeton’s assessment increased from the amount of $4,245,943 that the School Committee adopted March 16 to the amount of $4,759,024 voted June 26. That increase is $513,081.

Stan commented that this represented a $353 (7%) swing in the average residential tax bill, from one that was estimated to decrease by $336 to one that is now estimated to increase by $17.

George Handy from the Advisory Board presented his analysis that Princeton pays significantly more per student than the other four WRSD towns.

Darryl and Joe explained that Holden, Sterling and Rutland had approved the budget; they are led to believe that Paxton will also as the new budget is more favorable to it. With four in the affirmative, the budget is adopted regardless of what Princeton does. They further explained that the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education has verbally advised the district that neither Paxton or Princeton need to have a Town Meeting, that not having one in forty five days is a de facto approval.

John requested that opinion in writing.

The Board discussed whether to hold a Special Town Meeting if it essentially could not change the WRSD budget. John mentioned that the revised budget was $165,000 less than the FY 13 budget.

Neil suggested that a Special Town Meeting may be a good vehicle to express dissatisfaction with the state budget process.

The Board agreed to continue discussion at its next meeting. It also thought a future meeting with its legislative delegation may be a good idea to discuss the Chapter 70 funding process.

New Business
On a motion by Neil, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 3-0 to appoint Tom Lynch to the Conservation Commission for a term to expire June 30, 2016.

On a motion by Neil, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 3-0 to sign a Cemetery Deed for Robert and Kathleen Packard.

John presented the need for a Reserve Fund transfer to cover unexpected expenses in the Veterans Expense account resulting for a new veteran qualifying for benefits. On a motion by Neil, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 3-0 to approve a transfer of $1,184.55 from the Reserve Fund to the Veteran’s Services Expenses account #01-5-543-780.

Old Business

Other Business
Fire Department Acting Chief John Bennett, accompanied by Captains Kelly and Whitney asked to speak to the Board about replacing Engine #5, a 1993 conventional chassis truck that is the department’s primary attack piece that answers every call.

Engine #5 has a limited future as its pump performance is rapidly declining. The Town has appropriated $60,000 to replace or repair Engine #5.

Chief Bennett requested that the Board allow a procurement process to test the marketplace as he felt that a quality used engine could be purchased within the appropriation. John informed the Board that if the bids were not satisfactory for any reason, the Town was under no obligation to proceed.

On a motion by Neil, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 3-0 to authorize the Fire Department and John to prepare specifications and a bid proceed to purchase a used fire engine.

The Board voted 3-0 to adjourn at 8:45 PM. Stan voted yes, Neil voted yes and Edith voted yes in a roll call vote.
Respectfully submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
WRSD July 1, 2013 meeting package
Administrator’s memo oin WRSD budget, 6/1/13
Reserve Fund transfer request
Administrator’s Trial Tax Recap #3