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May 6
Town of Princeton, Mass.
May 6, 2013
Open Meeting 6:00 PM  

The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  
        Edith noted that the first order of business was re-organizing the board positions. Neil made a motion, Edith seconded, to elect Stan as chair for the upcoming year; all in favor, Stan nominated Edith for clerk, Neil seconded; all in favor.

Warrants and Minutes

Board reviewed and signed FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 22
Board reviewed and voted to approve meeting minutes of April 22, 2013 with one edit, to change “STEM” to “STEAM” in the Gasbarro paragraph; all in favor.

New Business  6:10 PM

President of the Norco Sportsmen’s Club, Jack Flynn, came in with two board members to explain a Change of License procedure for a new director/manager at the club. The BOS, which serves as the ABCC for Princeton, voted all in favor to approve and sign ABCC Form 43 reflecting new officer and director Jay Johnston at Norco.

Bids were opened for the Greene Road Construction project on April 25, and was awarded to the lowest bidder, E.H. Perkins of Hudson & Sterling, who came in at $252,118. A total of six bids were received, and the highest was $357,160. Since each bidder submitted a signed contract, the agreement only needed the signatures of the selectmen for the job to proceed. Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the bid from Perkins and sign the contract. John L. noted that the job’s start time is part of the contract.

Alex Fiandaca came in for the Friends of Mechanics Hall to inform selectmen about her group joining forces with Friends of the Library to hold a book sale that will be at Mechanics Hall from Friday May 31 through Sunday, June 2. Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize both groups to use the building for those dates.

Old Business  6:25 PM

John L. announced that the ATM Warrant is fixed, as it’s been signed by the BOS and the Advisory Board has voted on all but two articles: the payment of bills from previous years in Art. 18 and the T.P. playground rehab in Art. 21. John L. explained the need for an article creating an electric light plant to manage the telecommunications utility being proposed by the Broadband Committee. This proposed project will install fiber-optic cable to every town address.

Other Business  

Stan noted the recent death of Carl LaPoint, Sr., a teacher and vice principal for many years at both the Princeton Center School and the Thomas Prince School. He had worked in the Highway Department, Cemetery Department, and was Town Constable for Elections and served on the Council on Aging. He was known for writing scholarly articles on Princeton History.

Regarding members of boards that are appointed and not elected, John L. will contact all appointed board and committee positions to affirm their interest in being re-appointed. He will bring a slate of names for the BOS to approve at a June meeting.

Sue Shanahan came in for Parks & Rec to report on her research into playground equipment for T.P. School. She had catalogues & photos from several suppliers, and noted that the set-up had to meet the needs of a wide age group, from pre-school to age 12. Prices were in the $60-80,000 range. The Parks & Rec Committee had voiced concerns about the best location for a public playground, and who is to maintain it. At the school site, accessibility is limited during school hours, but the custodians maintain the playground. Sue noted that Principal Mary Cringan offered equipment from a side playground to be moved to a different town site, but Sue said most of the pieces didn’t meet current codes.

Adjourned  6:55 PM   Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Annual Town Meeting warrant & materials, ABCC documents from Norco, Contract documents from EH Perkins