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April 22
Town of Princeton, Mass.
April 22, 2013
Open Meeting

6:00 PM  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy (arrived at 6:05) and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings  

6:02 PM: the chair asked WRSD Interim Superintendent Anthony Gasbarro and Business Manager Joseph Scanlon for a FY 14 Assessment Review for the Advisory Board. John L. reported that Cherry Sheet numbers from the House Ways and Means is $2 million less than the Governor’s number, and there will likely be increases from the Senate and the Conference Committee. Late May is anticipated, well after annual town meetings have approved local budgets. Gasbarro reported that his office is talking with the teachers union about closing any budget gap. Scanlon described the districts assessment to the member towns, and said the school committee would be unlikely or unable to change them, once approved. Stan M. cited several bills in the legislature that would amend budget numbers in favor of municipalities.
        Gasbarro also reported on creation of a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) concentration at Thomas Prince School, with support of WPI, a state university or the Boston Museum of Science. He said two full sections per grade have been filled with students from other towns in the district and that response was very strong, resulting in a waiting list. The goal was to fill empty seats at T.P. School and selectmen were pleased at the quick action and results.
        Group discussed changes being proposed to the regional agreement, the main one would cut the School Committee from 22 to 12. Members’ votes would be weighted and adjusted annually based on population of each town. Attrition will take about five years as members’ terms end--to maintain parity among towns, some terms will extend beyond three years. John L. noted that the regional agreement includes terms of the lease between school property owners (towns) and the district, in addition to maintenance agreements for those properties. There was a brief update regarding a state audit or forensic audit to further delve into the budget errors—this was most recently a request by the Holden BOS, but the School Committee will not fund one as several individuals and firms have deemed it unnecessary.

Warrants and Minutes

6:30 PM  Board reviewed and approved FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 21 and voted all in favor to approve meeting minutes of April 8, 2013 with a correction to spelling of Jim O’Coin’s name.

New Business  

6:55 PM  A report was shared on the Employee Health Insurance Program for FY 14, from the Health Insurance Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations to BOS each year, with advise from Lively Insurance Brokerage. Most employees enlist with FCHC (Fallon) or the more expensive Tufts HMO, which offers more Boston hospitals and facilities. Although FCHC went up in rates about 18 percent, other providers who bid could not match Fallon with a lower rate. Fallon is expanding its pool of partner doctors and medical centers, however, and may appeal to more employees. The committee recommended scraping the Fallon premium 1000 plan and offering Fallon 2000 along with the same Tufts HMO for FY14. The BOS agreed and voted all in favor to support the recommendation.
Selectmen voted all in favor to transfer $26,705 from the Reserve Fund into the general interest account. The funds were what remained from the Green Repair project at T.P. School.
Selectmen reviewed a letter from Dudley selectmen calling for a Chapter 70 amendment but voted to take no action.

Old Business  

7 PM  A discussion ensued about the ongoing Regional Dispatch being offered by Holden, and an agreement between attorneys for both towns has been drawn up. The first step is replacing the radio tower at the fire station.  The revision to the grant to address the communications tower was approved. Total cost is more than $100,000. The state collects E-911 money from cell phone providers which is used for annual grants to regional dispatch centers. Holden also reconfirmed its intent to offer positions to our three full time dispatchers subject to its employment practices. Princeton will contribute 18 percent of operating cost and Holden the balance, until such time as other towns join—Holden has reached out to area communities and some have shown interest. The contract includes provisions for dispute resolution between (or among) member towns—including mediation. It was noted that all participating fire and police chiefs support the regional model.
        The selectmen voted all in favor to sign the Inter-municipal Agreement with Holden for a regional dispatch service.

7:20 PM  ATM Warrant and Budget Review--Advisory Board members David Cruise, Joe Lotuff, Jim O’Coin, Jim Comer and chairman John Shipman were in attendance, with Terry Hart absent. Both boards reviewed articles on ATM warrant.  Selectmen had considered an article to change the fire chief position from Chapter 48, Sect. 42 (strong chief) to Chapt. 48, sect. 42A (weak chief) but will withdraw it for lack of support from FD staff. They also discussed Art. 33, which outlines using a $700,000 reduction in the school district assessment this year and redirecting $230,625 of it to retire debt. Since this bond payment is not due until fall, Neil suggested that if the school budget changes and this money is needed for the assessment, it can be re-directed before the due date by vote of a special town meeting.
The two boards discussed free cash and stabilization accounts, and keeping them adequately funded, at a minimum level of $100,000 - $125,000 for free cash. The current combined balance in stabilization funds  is $565,000.

Other Business  

7:22 PM  the Advisory Board agreed to meet Thursday, April 25 at 4 PM. The site will be T.P. School as the annex is being readied for the election.  The will also meet on Monday, April 29 at 4 PM in the annex, to finalize their recommendations on the ATM warrant.  Selectmen agreed to meet next Monday, April 29 at 6 PM to sign the ATM warrant.
The means of funding replacement and repair of the playground at T.P. was considered, possibly using free cash and finding donations of labor and materials. John L. reported a total cost might be around $120,000 including removal and site work. Funding sources may include Parks & Rec for $10,000, the PTA up to $15,000 plus the DPW Grounds & Maintenance account might have $10,000. Stan M. suggested that Sterling officials should be asked about a similar project in that town that utilized donations. John L. noted that an article to raise and appropriate should include that it’s contingent on funding from other sources and not state an exact figure until making the motion on the floor.
Selectmen voted all in favor to accept all articles in the draft warrant as presented so far.
        The Town Clerk requested that selectmen approve a number of appointments of election officials for terms to end June 30, 2013. These included: Charlotte H. Stirewalt - 8 Sharon Drive; Greg K. Miranda - 50 Worcester Rd; Priscilla A. Hatch - 338 Mirick Rd.; Mary G. Haggar - 2 Calamint Hill Rd. North; Denise P. McKay - 333 Hubbardston Rd.; Bruce B. Rollins - 317 Worcester Rd. The board voted all in favor to appoint all six.

Public Comment

8:10 PM  Jacob Elie came in to update the board on his Eagle Scout project, which is to construct and install an informational kiosk at the town hayfields trailhead on Gates Road. He receives approval from the Conservation Commission, which controls the land, at their March 6 meeting. Stan M. suggested Jacob confer with local forester Rex Baker, and he is submitting plans to the building inspector and has started fundraising efforts. Since the info on the kiosk is about the Midstate Trail, Jacob was advised to contact the Midstate Trail Committee for some funding.

Executive Session

8:25 PM  The board voted to enter into executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, and adjourn immediately afterwards. Stan M. made the motion, Neil S. seconded; Edith voted aye, Stan voted aye and Neil voted aye.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Annual Town Meeting budget materials and recap, Reserve Fund transfer memo; draft of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant; letter from Holden BOS with budget estimates and regional dispatch contract; letter from Dudley BOS; police chief contract; Insurance Advisory Committee minutes; Cherry Sheets for town and WRSD; Eagle Scout kiosk plan.