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February 25
Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN  ---   February 25, 2013

Open Meeting
6:00 PM  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

The board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes of February 11, February 13 and February 20, 2013 and further voted all in favor to approve but not release the Executive Session Minutes of January 28, 2013.

The board review and approved FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 17.

New Business
6:10 PM Letter of Resignation-Princeton member of Wachusett Regional School Committee Michelle Scibarrasi

Stan moved to accept “with regret” Michelle’s resignation, Neil seconded. All in favor.The Board acknowledged Michelle’s hard work during a very challenging time and directed John to draft a letter of thanks.

6:15 PM Appointment to Broadband Committee
Stan informed the Board that Phil O’Brien has been working very hard on the Broadband Committee’s efforts as a Marketing Consultant. In recognition of that work, the Committee requests the Board appoint him as a full member.

Stan moved, Neil seconded, all voted in favor to appoint Phillip O’Brien, 25 Leominster Road to the Broadband Committee for a term to expire June 30, 2014.

Old Business
6:20 PM  Appoint Fire Chief Screening Committee
Edie requested that no action be taken at this time, so John can contact an interested party.

Other Business
6:25 PM  John advised the Board that he had recently heard from Green Repair contractor Feeley, McAnespie regarding the skylight replacement at the Thomas Prince School.

The tentative ship date is 4/5/13 from the factory. If this delivery date holds, the skylight subcontractor would take delivery of the skylight during the week of April 8-12th and staging subcontractor would set-up staging in the Library. The actual skylight replacement would take place during the school vacation week April 15-19th. Following completion of the skylight installation, the water testing will be performed and if all is satisfactory, the painting subcontractor will paint the interior skylight well and the staging will be removed the following week April 22-26th.
Scheduled Meetings and Hearings
6:30 PM – Library Budget Presentation
Chairman of the Library Trustees and Library Director Mary Barroll      presented the requested FY 14 budget to the Board ant the Advisory Board. Mary reviewed the spreadsheets. Requests were to increase Purchase of Service line by $500, decrease Electricity line by $500, increase Heating Oil by $500, increase Audio Books line by $2,000 and add a new line item for Games in the amount of $2,000.

Mary reported that circulation of library materials was up 16% compared to the previous year.
Discussion centered on Audio Books and Games requests. Mary explained that Audio Books are tremendously popular with 4,619 audio book check outs from the Library’s own collection over the last year, averaging eighteen per day. The cost of an audio book averages $50; the additional funds would allow an additional forty to be purchased, projecting a total of 150 in FY 14.

Mary explained that video games are a tremendous draw to teens and that studies show that a robust collection of games brings more teens to a library and results in more book checkouts by that population. In FY 13 the Library acquired thirty-four games funded by the Friends. The Library averages that there are thirty-three games checked out at any given time. She read from a letter supporting the request from Liam Kelly.

Teen Advisory Group Member Teddy Lindberg spoke in support of the Library’s budget request.

Mary then presented the salary budget request which adopts the structure put in place by the Classification and Compensation Plan.

Jane summarized the Library presentation. The Trustees goal has been that the Town support through the operating budget the purchase of library materials in an amount equivalent to 19.5% of the library budget. Previously the Trustees and the Friends have had to supplement town funds to reach that goal. Jane anticipates that the goal would be achieved if the request is met. She emphasized that the Trustees and the Friends would continue their efforts to support the Library.

Stan informed Jane and Mary that the Board’s practice is to take all budget presentations under advisement and withhold decisions until after all presentations have been made.

Old Business
6:40 PM   FY 2014 Budget Development
John presented an updated Revenue Estimate that confirms the DCR Watershed PILOT as previously estimated and an updated calendar of meetings.

&:48  PM  
The Board unanimously voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   

John Lebeaux,  Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:  Letter of Resignation: M. Scibarrasi, Princeton Public Library Budget, Princeton Public Library Salaries, Library Director’s Budget Letter, Library Trustees Budget Letter, Letter supporting Library budget request from Liam Kelly, Revenue Estimate #2, Budget Calendar #4