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January 28
Town of Princeton, Mass.
BOARD OF SELECTMEN  ---   January 28, 2013

6 PM -- The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings

6 PM – Friends of Mechanics Hall representative Alex Fiandaca was present to announce that her group had filed incorporation papers under 501(C)3 Tax Exempt status, so contributions for donors are tax-deductible and the Friends can qualify for foundation grants etc.

6:02 PM -- Meeting with Tom Kennedy of CTC, Inc., and Police Chief Michele Powers were in for a presentation outlining the feasibility of a Princeton-Holden Regional Dispatch service, specifically, a “Regional Emergency Communications Center (RECC). Consultant Kennedy, a former Mass. State Police captain, reported that the merge between Holden and Princeton was feasible, according to a study in 2010 involving 15 local communities. His PowerPoint slides outlined the benefits and steps toward implementation. He described options for connections between the towns, and microwave was suggested in the study, although newer technologies, including internet, were brought up by Stan M., who also asked about dispatch for other departments. John L. pointed out that the Governance Agreement listed the light department and DPW as included in regional service.
        Also, “Next Generation 911” (NG 911) is being adopted by call centers, which would allow 911 calls coming from computers or digital devices, text messaging, VOIP and video. Kennedy also explained how state grants from cell phone taxes support regional dispatch services. He noted that the state is requiring Emergency Medical Dispatch (with medical training). Plus, Princeton would be served by Holden’s public safety facilities, technology, extended staff and use of a lockup, now lacking in Princeton’s Police Station.
        Ian Campbell, a fulltime dispatcher, argued that regionalization could eliminate  “personalization” of public safety services, where staff has personal familiarity with the town and its citizens. He also pointed out the customer service, such as burn permits issued or accepting deliveries (at any hour). Deb Temple, another F/T dispatch, and Officer Rick Thebeau, spoke against the regional dispatch concept, and cited Wachusett Regional School District as an example not to follow.
Stan M. and Neil S. had served on the Public Safety committee and noted that the seven-member P.S. Committee did due diligence and studied the options—thoroughly and carefully--for two years. The Holden partnership was the best of several other models, including Rutland and Worcester, and had the highest comfort level. Also, the dispatch staff in Princeton would all be offered positions at the Holden center, so no one would get laid off. Neil stated that an effort was made for a strategy to man the dispatch office for the accessory services.
        John Shipman, from the Advisory Board asked about the contract between the two towns, and John L. agreed to forward the draft Inter-municipality Agreement (IMA) to the Advisory Board.

7:20 PM  New Business

--An applicant for Advisory Board spoke to selectmen. David Cruise, 33 Allen Hill Road, described his background in finance and investments, and has an MBA from Bentley College. The board voted all in favor to appoint David Cruise to the Advisory Board for a term to expire June 30, 2014.

7:40 PM  Warrants and Minutes

--The board review and approved FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 15

--The board voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes of January 14, 2013 as well as November 14, 2012; and, they reviewed and voted all in favor to approve and release executive session minutes from November 14, 2012

--The board voted all in favor to accept the application for the Reach The Beach Relay scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2013 7:45 AM-3:30 PM subject to any conditions required by the police chief.

--Officer John Chase appeared to explain the Princeton 911 5k road & trail race scheduled on Saturday, June 22, 2013 by The Friends of the Princeton Fire Department, in conjunction with the Princeton Fire, Police & EMT Associations. He described a 5K road and trail race to start and end at T.P. School. The Friends are seeking sponsors. Proceeds from the race will benefit the town’s emergency services personnel by helping to fund equipment, training and renovations not funded through town budget resources. The board voted all in favor to approve the race, subject to any negotiations and approval from Chief Powers.

Old Business

--John L. reported that Thomas Prince School PCB remediation was effectively completed, but will still require annual testing of the sealant coating. The whole project started in August of 2011.

Other Business

Stan M. asked Edith if she intended to run for another term at this May’s town election, since the citizens’ caucus was coming up in six weeks. She said she would run again.

--Neil S. reported that T.P. School playground equipment needs repair or upgrade. John L. said that he and school staff have had a meeting regarding this problem and are looking into options.

8:07 PM  Executive Session
Stan M. made the following motion, seconded by Neil S.: to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and not to reconvene into open session.  The board conducted a roll call vote and each voted aye to go into executive session.


Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant

Referenced Documents:  911 5k sponsorship letter; Reach the Beach, CTC presentation; draft IMA contract; Holden RECC project budget.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department