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November 5, 2012
  Town of Princeton, Mass.
November 5, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the PMLD lobby.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  Neil Sulmasy arrived at 5:10 PM.

5:01 PM  The board heard a report from PMLD General Manager Brian Allen concerning Hurricane Sandy. On Oct. 29, some outages were reported after 1 p.m., the longest outage was three hours, and all power was restored town wide by 10 p.m. Nothing major failed and most problems were single-service calls. Residents who commented attributed success to upgrades to infrastructure and tree trimming efforts. Brian cited credit to BOS and their support of the Light Dept. Weather Advisor Jim Arnold was mentioned as an aid to improved communications for residents and the town’s public safety departments. John acknowledged the Highway, Police and Fire Department’s excellent responses to the storm.

5:10 PM  Treasurer Jim Dunbar came in with borrowing documents for projects at TP School that needed BOS signatures.  These included permanent borrowing for $225,000 for the PCB project. There were three bidders and the successful bidder was Greenfield Bank at an interest rate of 2.5% for a seven year term. A one year renewal of the temporary borrowing on the Thomas Prince “green repair” was in the amount of $1,3878,785. All reimbursements to date have been applied against the principal. There were two bidders and the successful bidder was Eastern Bank with a Net Interest Charge after premium of 0.5480%. The board voted all in favor to approve actions as prepared by bond counsel and sign all documents as presented.

The Board voted all in favor to approve all the actions prepared by Bond Counsel concerning the sale of a $1,378,785 1% General Obligation Bond and the sale of a $225,000 General Obligation Serial State House Loan Note both dated November 16, 2012. The Board also voted all in favor to authorize the Clerk (Neil) to sign the document prepared by Bond Counsel titled “Vote of the Board of Selectmen”.

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
5:25 PM  The Tax Classification Hearing was re-opened and Gary MacLeod, chair of the Board of Assessors, reported that assessors were recommending a unified tax rate. Selectmen asked for comments and hearing none voted all in favor to close the hearing and voted all in favor to approve the motion that the board adopt a residential “factor of one” for all classes of property and not to adopt any exemptions.
5:30 PM A status report was presented by state forester, Rex Baker, on the town’s 60-acre Boylston Park on Calamint Hill Road North. He noted that the deeded “park” status of the donated land would prohibit it from serving as a town woodlot, that could generate timbering revenue—up to $20,000 per harvest. Some timber revenue could be gleaned just from basic forest management associated with ‘park’ usage, such as a “salvage harvest” and trail or field clearing. The road entrance could be cleared to accommodate a few parking spaces and an open shelter with picnic tables were envisioned. He said the town doesn’t need a survey since all abutters have had recent surveys, and the entire perimeter/boundary is stone wall—in good condition. The Parks & Rec Dept. would be principal manager for the park and decide on appropriate usage and improvements. The National Resource Conservancy Service office in Holden might help find funding for a forest stewardship plan.

6:10 PM  Princeton Land Trust trustees Tom Sullivan and John Mirick came in to discuss future sale of Fieldstone Farm owned by Smith family with a total 290 acres. Family would like to see it conserved but wish to capture full market value. Tom noted that the farm property would be a topic at the PLT Annual Meeting slated for Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Wachusett Mtn. Ski Lodge.

Thomas Prince PCB Project  Construction was not finished October 31 as planned. There remains a small amount of re-cleaning, testing, awaiting test results and window re-installation and painting to occur. All windows are in and most finish details complete, it’s about 95-98 percent done.

6:25 PM Broadband Committee  Stan noted that the goal of the Broadband Committee is to make high speed internet available throughout Princeton as soon as possible. From a summary prepared by John who had compiled each Selectmen’s preferred appointees, Neil moved to appoint the following nine residents: Stephen Cullen, 6 Connor Lane; Michael Cote, 116B Houghton Rd; Dag Frode Olsen, 144 Houghton Rd; Petr Spacek, 185 Mountain Rd; Ned Utzig, 340 Mirick Rd; Rich Wagner, 22 Lyons Rd.; William Dino, 84 Main St; Stan Moss, 125 Calamint Hill Road North; and, John Kowaleski, Jr., 49 Coal Kiln Rd. Edith seconded the motion and they voted to approve the appointments with Stan abstaining. The term for all members is through June 30, 2014.

WRSD  The board reviewed a letter from Julianne Kelley, chair of the ad hoc subcommittee to review the Regional Agreement, along with a copy of the “Amended Wachusett Regional School District Agreement.“ They discussed the request in the letter to hold a public meeting for Princeton officials and residents to provide input on the regional agreement, which is reviewed every few years. Town administrator had prepared a letter requesting monthly updates from the school committee, to include a report on eight specific items. The board voted all in favor to sign and send the letter, directed to WRSC Chair Duncan Leith.

Letter on Fire Chief Cobb  The board reviewed an email message from Brad Klar, 23 Whitaker Lane, which expressed disappointment in the hiring in January, 2012 of suspended Fire Chief David Cobb. Stan reported the reasoning behind the BOS selection of Cobb at the time.

Request came in from Town Clerk for the BOS to appoint Alexander P. Hilton, 25 Pheasant Hollow Road as an election officer to help at the Nov. 6 poll in town. Selectmen voted all in favor to approve the appointment for a term through July 31, 2013.

6:45 PM  Stan noted that a performance review of town administrator is due. The template used in the last evaluation has been distributed to the Board. Each member is to complete by November 19 and submit to Edie, who will create a summary of the evaluations which will be discussed at the December 3 meeting.

7 PM  Executive Session -- Personnel matters – Fire Chief     Stan made motion to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and to reconvene into open session. Edith seconded the motion. Stan voted yes, Neil voted yes and Edith voted yes in a roll call vote.

7:25 PM  Board re-convened to its regular meeting and the board voted all in favor to put David Cobb on administrative leave without pay, effective immediately.

7:27 PM  Executive Session -- Personnel matters – Police Chief     Stan made a motion to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and not to reconvene into open session. Edith seconded the motion. Stan voted yes, Neil voted yes and Edith voted yes in a roll call vote.

At 7:40, the Board voted all in favor to adjourn.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
letter to WRSC Chair Duncan Leith
email message from Brad Klar.
Forester’s report on Boylston Park
WRSD letter from Julianne Kelley
Amended Wachusett Regional School District Agreement