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November 13, 2012
  Town of Princeton, Mass.
November 13, 2012

Board of Selectmen meeting posted concurrent with Princeton Land Trust at their annual meeting in the Spruce Room, Wachusett Mountain Lodge, Princeton, MA
Present were Chairman Edie Morgan and Stan Moss. Neil Sulmasy was not in attendance.
Meeting called to order by Chairman Edie Morgan at 7:21 pm.
The Princeton Land Trust (PLT) conducted their annual business meeting, including:
  • Treasurer’s annual report
  • Re-election of 3 PLT Trustees
  • PLT Chair Tom Sullivan overviewed current land trust holdings and their history
  • PLT Chair gave overview of the Smith’s Fieldstone Farm opportunity, noting that this property was specified in the Town Master Plan, Open Space section, as a property desired for preservation.
Attendees split into two discussion groups to brainstorm potential land uses, potential partners for possible property acquisition, and potential funding sources for acquisition.
Board of Selectmen made no public statements on behalf of the town, and took no other actions.
Board of Selectmen adjourned at 8:30 pm, prior to the end of the PLT meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Stan Moss

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department