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October 9, 2012
  Town of Princeton, Mass.
October 9, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  Stan Moss was absent.

FY13 Warrant #07   The Board reviewed and signed the FY’13 #07 payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Minutes  All voted in accept the minutes of Sept. 24, 2012. All voted in favor to accept executive session minutes of Sept. 24 with one spelling edit.

Old Business

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John L, reported a proposal for the skylight replacement costing $72,000 in TP School Library. Though architect approved it is pending approval from project manager. It must meet stringent codes for heat loss and construction, and was required as a condition of the warrantee for the roof replacement. All these elements are included in a final audit by MSBA. The skylight may get done after new year, and is currently secure, with a tarp.

On September 27 the Town received an MSBA [Mass. School Building Authority] reimbursement of $14,690. The Town has received slightly more than $840,000 in reimbursements to date.  On September 28, MSBA received invoices totaling $11,981. About $90,000 in invoices will be submitted in late October. Only one reimbursement request can be made each calendar month.

Thomas Prince PCB Project update: John reported final work will begin October 15 and is expected to conclude October 26. Prin. Mary Cringan has participated in the planning and there may be some movement of students during this period. If as a result of testing any materials need to be re-cleaned the work may spill over to October 29 to 31.
Remaining costs will exceed the $450,000 borrowing by an estimated $13,000  This overage may be charged off to Building Maintenance or Environmental Cleanup. Going forward, TPS may need $10,000 per year from the ‘environmental’ fund for ongoing testing. Funds may also be required for monitoring the capped landfill and testing the ground around town hall, unless DEP deems further testing to be unnecessary.

Update on Road Projects: Selectmen voted all in  favor to allow chair to sign a Contract Amendment with MassWorks that increases the grant from $450,000 to the actual cost of $496,270 for Mirick Road reconstruction.
The East Princeton/Route 140 Project is moving forward with three engineering firms that were selected as semi-finalists. The project’s Designer Selection Committee will be interviewing them this week.

Mechanics Hall Farmstand Site   John reported that bids were solicited for operating a farmstand in front of Mechanics Hall and he recited the conditions outlined on the bid request. Only one offer came in from Jim Camp, Goat Ridge Farm, offering $50 per month.
Selectmen voted all in favor to accept bid and award single farmstand license through December 31, 2012 to Jim Camp with the conditions stated in the Notice of Opportunity and pre-payment with bank check. Also, Town has made no representation about plowing or maintaining the front lot area of Mechanics Hall.

Broadband Committee  John reported that 16 individuals forwarded letters of interest to serve on the proposed Broadband Committee. Many submitted resumes and indicated experience in high-tech or financial fields. Edith noted that the committee could number up to nine members if there are so many willing and qualified candidates. Selectmen will review letters and resumes in next two weeks and consider a decision at the next meeting. Neil will not be in attendance on Oct. 22, but may still forward his recommendations before then.
        One applicant, John Kowaleski, was present so Edith and Neil asked him to speak on his qualifications.

New Business

Central Mass. Reg. Planning Commission Alternate  Appointment      The selectmen voted all in favor to appoint Jon Fuderman as alternate representative on the CMRPC starting now through June 30, 2013.

Other Business     

Cemetery Deed    Selectmen voted all I favor to sign a cemetery deed to sell lots #83 & 84 in South Cemetery to Bennett family.

Election Day  Selectmen voted all in favor to sign warrant for Nov. 6 election.

John reported that selectmen received a letter dated September 25 from Paul Bennett of Ball Hill Road commending the work of Bruce Rollins in maintaining South Cemetery, especially stone wall construction and repair. John noted recent upgrades there including a new flagpole and trees planted.
6:05 PM Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted,

Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:

MassWorks Grant Application
Letters of interest for Broadband Committee

Deed for two body lots in South Cemetery

Election Day warrant
Letter from Paul Bennett
Farmstand Bid from Jim Camp

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department