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July 2, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
July 2, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #27 & FY13 Warrant #00
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Regular Meeting- Stan moved to accept the minutes of June 18, 2012.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
Cemetery Commission
Present were Bruce Rollins, Lynne Grettum, Susan Ollila, Lou Trostel, and Paul Constantino.  David Milton was absent.
Stan thanked all for coming and noted that Edie came up with the idea to meet with various boards and committees to improve communication.  

Lou Trostel reported that there are seven town owned cemeteries and one privately owned. The commission meets monthly, Lynne noted an upcoming agenda item will be to discuss future projects and set goals. Lot locations are currently being updated and ground radar may be used in the future.
Bruce would like to see planning for six months to a year in advance and be given direction from the commission.  Currently, Bruce is the main contact and the commission only gets involved if he alerts them to a problem. He would like a means to get in touch with the commission on an as needed basis.
There was discussion on Bruce’s position not being properly funded. Lynne recommends looking at the position and determining compensation based upon responsibilities. John mentioned that the current compensation and classification study could be expanded for remaining nonunion groups, with the board’s approval.

Edie mentioned that Bruce gave her an overview and a tour of the cemeteries and understands it is a very big job. Susan Ollila noted that the commission and Bruce continue to do a wonderful job dealing with issues in a sensitive way.

The board reviewed the cemetery fee study sheet for comparison with surrounding towns. The commission recommends raising fees under the “Proposed” line.
Stan moved to revise prices for burial, cremation and winter fees as noted on the spreadsheet provided by the Cemetery Commission, effective July 3, 2012. Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).
John noted fees are higher for weekend burials in some towns to encourage weekday burials and allow for a weekend or holiday burial upon request. Bruce recommends one fee for convenience sake noting the actual burial work is completed on a weekday.  

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John reported the last project meeting was held on June 11. A decision was made to install an awning structure over all louvers and to completely replace two of them.  Skylights will be installed by early October. The entire project, including the administrative portion is expected to be complete by November.

Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John will arrange for louver work and disposal to be combined for cost effectiveness.

Appointments of Board and Committees
The board reviewed the updated appointment sheet.
Stan moved to reappoint as noted on the sheet dated July 2, 2012.
Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0)

Tree Warden Position- John asked the board to consider Highway department employee Bob Mason as Tree Warden. Neil recommends the position be a one year term.
Stan moved to appoint Robert Mason of the Highway Department to the position of Tree Warden effective July 2, 2012 through June 30, 2013. All in favor (3-0).

Surrounding Town Fee Comparison Review
The board reviewed comparison fees for the Board of Health, Cemetery Commission, Town Clerk, Library, Police Department and Planning Board. John noted
a new requirement  that a police cruiser be on site for details Some towns charge separately for cruiser usage. John recommends the town charge per hour to cover the cost of gas. Neil was concerned the cost will come back to the tax payer with PMLD projects or road projects. John will ask Chief Powers to do a wider survey. The remaining department fees will be reviewed at the next meeting.  

New Business
Parks & Rec Recommendation for Alternate Member
Parks & Rec Chairman Kevin Heman and Director Susan Shanahan recommend appointing Nanette Fitzgerald as alternate member.
Stan moved to appoint Nanette Fitzgerald as alternate member of the Parks & Rec Commission for a term to expire on June 30, 2013.

Request for Partial Release of Right of First Refusal
John informed the board of a request from Attorney Melon regarding a 2500 square foot section of property at 113 Gates Rd. The Assessors granted a Partial Release of Forest Tax Lien in May of 2012 and a request of a Partial Release of the Right of First Refusal should have been requested at that time, but was not. The Assessors recommend the board approve and sign.
Stan moved to grant a Partial Release of the Right of First Refusal for this parcel identified in the Worcester Registry of Deeds Book 39438, page 233. Neil seconded.  All in favor 3-0.
Tom Sullivan of the Princeton Land Trust asked that the Land Trust be informed of any future parcels.  They have no interest in this parcel.

Cemetery Deed
Stan moved to do bargain and sell to Susan Hastings and her heirs two (2) one body lots in Woodlawn Cemetery, 1986 Extension known as Lot 18D spaces a & b for $600. Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).  

Other Business
Staff Changes:
John reported that Bonnie Schmohl’s last day was June 28.  She will be greatly missed by all. Today is Jim Dunbar’s first day as Tax Collector.
Brenda Savoie’s last day is July 26.  John decided to split her position into two jobs, i.e., part-time Administrative Assistant to the Planning, Zoning, Board of Appeals, Parks and Recreation and Board of Selectmen and part time Administrative Assistant to the Collector/Treasurer.  An Assistant Town Clerk will not be hired at this time. Town Clerk Lynne Grettum is preparing for the 2012 presidential election.
Public Comment

Executive Session
At 6:38 pm Stan moved to enter into Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and not to reconvene into open session.  Neil seconded. All in favor by roll call. Edie yes; Stan yes; Neil yes.

The meeting adjourned at 6:46 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Board and Committee Appointment List
Department Fee Comparison Sheets