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May 7, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
May 7, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #23
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Regular Meeting- Edie moved to accept the minutes of April 23, 2012. Stan seconded, Raymond abstained. (2-0)

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings

Underutilized Town Assets Committee
David Krashes, Henry Beth, and Larry DeBlois were present.
Raymond thanked the committee for the detailed report. He believes the focus should be on selling the land holdings to fund capital accounts.
David Krashes recommends a licensed forester look at the 60 acre parcel on Calamint Hill Rd for possible timber harvest and to mark boundaries. It will take time to determine how to dispose of the land.  The board agreed the next step would be to hire a forester to look at each property.
Stan asked the committee if they would be willing to continue with professional assistance. Henry suggests working on a few lots at a time.  John will research details for hiring a forester.
David noted that the community does not want to lose Mechanics Hall.
Stan moved to accept the report of Underutilized Town Assets Committee dated April 2012, and to further recognize and thank the committee for the significant effort. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). The board will discuss in four to six weeks to determine where to move forward.

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John reported:
  • Roof work is substantially complete. Exploring ideas on how to handle pre-existing leaks in areas where skylights are located. Some HVAC louvers need repair  
  • Third boiler has been installed
  • Windows should be in by the end of May
  • The third reimbursement has been received
Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John reported the second set of test results were favorable. A report was sent to the EPA.

Review ATM Warrant & FY 13 Budget
The board reviewed the final draft of the warrant. Edie suggests that the $73,700 reduction in the WRSD assessment be applied to the transportation of busing students to Glenwood School in Rutland rather than using the stabilization fund. Stan suggested using $45,000 from the operating budget and the remainder from stabilization and put back into both accounts after reimbursement from the district.
John noted the assessment reduction could go to the taxpayer or a motion be made to raise and appropriate $45,000 into stabilization. Stan moved to change Article 11 to raise and appropriate the sum of 45% of transportation costs resulting from the PCB issue at Thomas Prince School. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

New Business
FY13 Health Care Benefit Recommendation
John reported the recommendation of the Insurance Advisory Committee was to maintain the current plans.
Edie moved to approve the recommendation of the Insurance Advisory Committee as presented. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Police Department Transfer Request
Edie moved to approve the request to transfer $11,000 from Dispatch Salary account to Union Police Salary account. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
The board signed the transfer.

Fire Department Transfer Request
Edie moved to approve the request to transfer from Reserve Fund account to the Ambulance Readiness account as presented. Stan seconded.  All in favor (3-0).
The board signed the transfer.

Other Business

Public Comment
Stan thanked Raymond for being a great selectman and for his leadership and wisdom over the years. Edie said she appreciated his service and enjoyed working with him.
John thanked Raymond and said he appreciates all the help he during the past 3 years.
Raymond thanked Stan, Edie, and John and said he enjoyed serving the town and will miss it.

Executive Session

At 6:40 pm Stan moved to recess until the Advisory Board convenes at 7 pm.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Annual Town Meeting Warrant & FY13 Budget
Underutilized Town Assets Committee Report