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March 12, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
March 12, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #19
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

February 27, 2012 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to approve the minutes. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
Highway Superintendent Glenn Lyons FY13 Budget
Superintendent Glenn Lyons requested a $10,000 increase for the Highway Department operating budget to cover the additional cost of fuel and other miscellaneous expenses.  Glenn would like to increase snow and ice by an additional $20,000. John noted the Highway Department receives revenue through a contract with the school which goes to the general fund. The board will review the request.

Public Hearing – Shade Tree Removal
Raymond opened the hearing at 5:33 pm and read notice of public hearing as published in the Landmark. He reported that a site visit was held on March 12 to view all trees on Wheeler, Greene, and Mirick Roads.
Wheeler Rd – between poles 27-42
Stan moved to authorize removal of trees #1-7 as posted. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).  Patricia Downer of Wheeler Rd asked about what happens to the wood. PMLD Manager Brian Allen explained that their policy is leave the wood for use by residents.

Greene Road from Westminster to the end
John reported not all trees have the official posting on them.  MGL requires every tree must be posted seven days prior to a hearing.  The trees without posting will not be included in the hearing.
Stan reported that during the site visit, the group looked at every tree on Greene Rd and Glenn informed them of his reason for removing each tree. Glenn agreed to work to save nine trees marked with a yellow “S”. Stan said he was impressed with Glenn’s expertise and his willingness to compromise.  The board must consider the investment of the roads and accommodate the concerns of residents.

The board received two letters objecting to removal of the trees. One letter objecting to removal of any tree at any time and the second letter requesting to see drainage plans.  
Stan noted that information will be available at the Conservation Commission public hearing

Public Comment:
Elizabeth Hammond, 58 Greene Rd:
  • Would like to see residents called to a meeting prior to trees getting marked for removal. Trees are an investment and are expensive to take down
  • Allow residents to look at drainage plans for the road
  • Trees marked on private property should be removed by home owner.
  • Would like to see new trees planted behind the stone walls
Glen said trees on private property are dead trees and he is concerned about debris in the road.

Don Schoeny, 43 Greene Rd said the goal is for a safe, stable road.

Dave Krashes wants to be sure trees are clearly numbered to ensure the correct trees are removed. Glenn will monitor to ensure.

Ralph Harrelson is concerned about not having a consistent policy.  Raymond noted there is a road project policy and PMLD has a separate policy. Brian Allen said anyone is free to review the PMLD policy at any time.  

Tom Sullivan, 60 Greene Rd asked about the process. He said it was talked about years ago and offered to help write guidelines for process in the future. He asked that the hearing be continued for all trees on Green Rd.

Janet Schoeny, 43 Greene Rd likes idea of improving the process and communication. She suggests not using spray paint on trees. John Lebeaux noted there is paint available that fades after 3 months.

Edie said a notice should be mailed to residents on a road where trees are scheduled for removal in the future.  

Sam Feinsilver, 74 Greene Rd is concerned about the having the decision to save certain trees up to the discretion of the road crew. Edie said this was discussed during the site visit and that Glenn will work to save any tree marked “S”.

Tom Lynch mentioned that town officials go out of their way to save as many trees as possible.

John said trees have not been taken down without following MGL. The Town is spending $250,000 on a road project and any tree that is being removed is to protect that investment.

Edie moved that all posted trees on Greene Rd be removed, with exception of the nine trees marked with an “S”, those will be at the discretion of Glenn Lyons.

Mirick Rd from E. Princeton Rd to Beaman Rd
John Mirick, 160 Mirick Rd said out of 67 trees one third are in the area that fronts his property. He’s concerned too many are being taken down are asked they be taken down only if necessary. Glenn will meet with John Mirick to discuss the trees in further detail. John Mirick would like the town to consider placing all utility poles on one side of the road.

Edie moved that 67 trees on Mirick Rd between E. Princeton Rd and Beaman Rd  be subject to removal and/or exceptions as recommended by the Highway Superintendent and Tree Warden. The final decision will be made by the Highway Superintendent. Raymond seconded. (3-0).

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
The first reimbursement in the amount of $132,310 has been received. The second one is pending.
John reported roof work is continuing.  An estimate on the cost to remove additional insulation has been received. The completion of the boiler project will be slightly delayed due to problem with valves which need to be drained during April vacation.  

Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John reported additional testing will take place. EPA is seeking additional work with caulking in certain areas. John is working with the Treasurer on the borrowing strategy and is hoping to combine the two projects to save a variety of fees.

Sign Letter to Frances Rice
Board signed a letter congratulating Frances Rice, aunt of Kevin Ohlson who was nominated by President Obama as Judge of the US Military Court of Appeals.

WRSD Revenue Sharing Task Force Member Appointment
Edie moved to appoint Phil Mighdoll as a member of the Revenue Sharing Task Force. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Raymond reported that at the Regional Select Board meeting held on March 8, each town agreed to nominate a member to sit on an exploratory committee to discuss revenue sharing.

New Business
Request to Place Acceptance of Isaac’s Way/The Knoll as a Public Way on Town Meeting Article- The board agreed to remand to the Planning Board. Edie noted that there are no homes on the road and this is a premature request.

Agricultural Commission Decision to Discontinue Princeton Farmers’ Market
John informed the board that the Ag Commission decided not host the Farmers’ Market due to lack of business and interest.

Holden Meeting Request to Discuss FY13 Budget
A meeting will be held in Holden to discuss the WRSD FY13 budget on April 3.

Other Business

Public Comment
Gary & Nadine Premo of 93 Old Colony Rd are concerned about the proposed installation of the Old Colony Rd footbridge. They are concerned about trash and potential issues with people using the area and are troubled by the lack of communication to them as abutters.
Raymond said the foot bridge was a condition of the Gates Rd purchase by the town.
John will ask the Open Space Committee Chair to contact them.

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Tree Hearing Documentation
Letter to Frances Rice
Isaac’s Way / The Knoll as a Public Way Request