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November 7, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
November 7, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #10
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

Edie moved to approve amended minutes of September 12 & 26, 2011. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Edie moved to approve executive session minutes of September 12 & 26, 2011 not to be released at this time. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Edie moved to approve the special session minutes of October 19 & 26, 2011. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
October 24, 2011 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to approve minutes of October 24, 2011. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Library Building Issues
Jane Wiesman, Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees, informed the board that an electrician discovered four inches of bat guano in the attic of the library.  Wildlife and Pest Management Services believe they have been there for decades and are a potential health hazard.  The area is directly above Wendy Pape’s desk. Exclusion work is recommended with one way out with no way to return.  The total cleanup with exclusion, chimney cap, and annual inspection is estimated at $4,990.  Raymond recommends getting quotes and suggests negotiating a two year warranty.  John said there are funds available in grounds maintenance account.  Edie moved to approve a onetime cost not to exceed $5,000 for cleanup as discussed. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Bond Anticipation Note for Thomas Prince School PCB Project
Treasurer Jim Dunbar informed the board that a $450,000 bond anticipation note is being offered by Eastern Bank with a term from November 2, 2011 to November 16, 2012 for the PCB cleanup.  Jim asked board to stop by the Town Hall to sign the note.

Rick Swanson - Montachusett Health–MA Department of Public Health Grant Application
Rick Swanson presented details on a grant that would allow shared regional health services among 16 communities.  There is no cost to join for the first year. After that, the annual fee is $300.  The grant application is due on November 18.  It provides access to Regional Public Health services on an as needed, a la carte basis and also provides shared communicable disease tracking information and follow up. If Princeton chooses to be a partner, the Town Administrator and Board of Health must sign the application. This commits the Town to being part of the grant only. The Inter-municipal agreement needs to be signed within one year, or the Town can choose to opt out.  A major benefit is coverage for communicable disease. Terri Longtine was also present for the discussion and is in favor of the program. She said participation would allow the Board of Health to provide additional services to the Town.  Raymond asked if this solution looking for a problem.  Terri is concerned it may be a problem in the future as the state may pose additional requirements.  John noted the Town can opt out anytime. It would be paid for with the Board of Health revolving fund and not with tax payer dollars. Stan supports the Board of Health, but wondered if there is a duplication of effort with this program and programs currently being offered by the state. Edie moved to authorize John to sign the support form.  Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Award Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project Bid
John recommends awarding the project to Feeley, McAnespie of Chelmsford based on recommendations by the Green Repair Owner’s Project Manager and positive references. Edie moved to award the project to Feeley, McAnespie of Chelmsford in the amount of $1,531,000 for the Thomas Prince School Green Repair project. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Sign Contract with Dispatchers
John reported the contract with Dispatchers was approved on June 7, 2011. The board and union signed memorandum of understanding for a three year agreement and the contract reflects that agreement. Edie moved to sign the contract with the Dispatchers Union as negotiated on June 7, 2011. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session
At 6:29 pm Edie moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), and  and not to reconvene into open session.
Raymond advised that the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to negotiations with non-union personnel, since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. All were in favor by roll call. Raymond yes; Edie yes; Stan, yes.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
MA Department of Public Health Grant Application Material
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project Bid
Contract with Dispatchers