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October 11, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
October 11, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

Representative Kimberly Ferguson
Representative Ferguson stopped by to update the board on the following:
  • She is working to determine if there’s state assistance available to offset the cost to remediate the PCB issue at TPS.
  • FY08 ice storm money remained in supplemental budget
  • Reversion money will be out in a few weeks. Princeton will receive $17,000
  • Information on the strap grant proposal will be out by October 28
  • Princeton will likely remain in the Worcester district
The board thanked Representative Ferguson for her time and effort on behalf of the town.

FY12 Warrant #08
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

September 26, 2011 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to accept the minutes. Stan seconded.
All in favor (3-0).

Special Town Meeting Warrant
John reviewed each article. The board discussed the two proposed articles relative to funding the Thomas Prince School PCB issue. The board voted unanimously to delete article 7 (funding via stabilization account). The board determined the short them borrow is the best course of action and will consider long term action at a later date.

Award Worcester Road Construction Project
Edie moved to award the project on Worcester Road to Mass. Broken Stone Company in the amount of $212,052.50. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Contaminated Soil Abatement Project – Public Safety Parking Lot
John reported that the Highway Department removed asphalt and excavated under the supervision of Tighe & Bond. The consultants excavated 50 yards of contaminated soil. New test wells need to be installed and testing of groundwater performed.

Thomas Prince School- PCB Issue Update
John informed the board the common areas were opened to the public after testing results showed levels well below 300, with the majority at 72. Retesting of areas above 300 will be completed.

Full Time Fire Chief Process
John reported several candidate interviews were conducted and reference checks are taking place. The committee will likely make recommendations to the board by the end of the month.

Other Business
  • A thank you letter was sent to Sheriff Evangelidis for the community service work performed for the Historical Commission and at the Princeton Center. John would like to arrange for painting of the Public Safety building next year.
  • It was determined that Edie will represent the Town at the meeting to appoint a Municipal Representative to the negotiating team.
  • Special Town Meeting motions were assigned.

Public Comment
John reported the Thomas Prince School soil test results were negative for PCB’s in the courtyard area. The east facing side needs mitigation. The top 6 inches of soil will be removed for a total of 6.5 cubic yards.

Executive Session

At 5:45 pm Edie moved to recess the meeting and reconvene at the Thomas Prince School at 6:45 pm.  All were in favor.   
Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant