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August 25, 2011 Special Meeting
Town of Princeton, MA
August 25, 2011
Wachusett Regional High School Media Center
1401 Main St., Holden, Mass.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.  Present were Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  Raymond Dennehy was absent.

Attend School Committee meeting to hear report of Environmental Consultant concerning Thomas Prince School
The Board heard the presentation of Chuck Klingler and Robert Palermo, both of ECS Consulting to the Wachusett Regional School Committee about the PCB situation at the Thomas Prince School. The presentation included the plan that had been presented to and approved by EPA directly before this meeting to clean common areas at the school and to conduct a pilot test of classroom cleaning.

At the conclusion of the School Committee meeting, John requested the Board approve Working Agreement 12233 with Triumverate Environmental to provide the necessary services to clean the areas as described in the presentation. On a motion by Stan, seconded by Edie, the Board voted 2-0 to approve the Agreement.

Other Business

The Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:59 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
Triumverate Environmental Working Agreement 12233