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June 7, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
June 7, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #25
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

May 24, 2011- Executive Session - Stan moved to accept the minutes not to be released at this time. Raymond seconded.  Edie abstained (2-0).
May 24, 2011- Regular Meeting - Stan moved to accept the minutes as amended. Raymond seconded.  Edie abstained (2-0).
June 2, 2011- Special Meeting - Stan moved to accept the minutes. Edie seconded. Raymond abstained (2-0).

Appoint Full Time Fire Chief Screening Committee
Stan moved to appoint the following as members of the Fire Chief Screening Committee:
Alan Sentkowski of the Advisory Board, Anne Littlefield of the Personnel Board, Neil Sulmasy of the Public Safety Committee, Joe O’Brien and Jim Bushway, Citizens at Large, Police Chief Michelle Powers and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.
Appointed as ex officio members:
Deputy Fire Chief John Bennett and ALS Medical Director Dr. Sue Quinty, subject to her agreement. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). Members will be invited to the June 20 meeting. Raymond will draft a charge.
John talked with a Fire Chief from another town who suggested a panel of Fire Chiefs be appointed to serve in a technical advisory capacity. John will research further and provide details to the board.

Special Municipal Employee Disclosure – Stan Moss
John reported that Stan has provided IT service to the town for a reasonable rate for the past several years. In order to continue he must make a Disclosure of Financial Interest and file with the Town Clerk.  Since Stan is a member of the Board of Selectmen, he is automatically a Special Municipal Employee by statute which allows him to work for the town by filing the disclosure.  
Edie moved to approve the exemption from MGL Chapter 268, Section 20. Raymond seconded. Stan abstained (2-0). John noted he still checks IT support rates to ensure the rate is competitive.

Special Municipal Employee Designation – Planning Board
John reported that John Mirick was elected to the Planning Board and is a partner with a law firm that occasionally does business with the town. In order for any member of his firm to do business with the town, John must be designated as a Special Municipal Employee.  MGL also requires all members of a board must receive the designation. The Planning Board voted at their last meeting to request the Select Board designate them as Special Municipal Employees.
Edie moved to designate the entire Planning Board as Special Municipal Employees. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Annual Board and Committee Appointments
The board reviewed the list of annual appointments.
Edie moved to approve the people who said yes to continue on as indicated on the spreadsheet as of June 6, 2011. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
John reported that Ed Sweeney and Walter Kuklinski contacted the Town Hall and said they wish to continue. Stan moved to appoint Ed Sweeney and Walter Kuklinski to continue. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Stan moved to appoint Jim Comer as a member of the Advisory Board. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Edie signed slips for the previously appointed public safety individuals

Public Safety Committee
No Updates

Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
No Updates

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Building Committee
A meeting will be held on Wednesday at 7 pm.

Underutilized Town Assets Study Committee
Committee members will attend the next meeting.

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session

Departmental Transfer Requests
John reported the following requests for departmental budget transfers:
  • Salary due to structural error in base salaries:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $300 from Town Building Operating Expense #01-5-192-780 to Town Accountant Salary #01-5-135-100
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $300 from Town Building Operating Expense #01-5-192-780 to Principal Assessor Salary #01-5-141-101
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $650 from Town Building Operating Expense #01-5-192-780 to Information Technology Manager Salary #01-5-156-100
  • Election expense due to price increase:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $179.24 from Election Salaries #01-5-162-100, and $26.85 from Town Clerk Expense #01-5-161-780 to Election Registration and Expense #01-5-162-100
  • Agricultural commission expense- due to error: the committee mistakenly assumed sign purchase could be paid using FY12 funds:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $143.36 from Town Building Operating Expense #01-5-192-780 to Agricultural Expense #01-5-192-780
  • Chief Powers request to pay year end EMT stipend:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $3,000 from Dispatch Salary #01-5-210-101 to Union Police Salaries #01-5-210-099
  • Ambulance due to shortage at beginning of FY11:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 34B, a request to transfer $6,000 from Ambulance Expense #15-5-231-780 to Ambulance Salaries #15-5-231-100
Reserve Fund Transfer Requests
  • Treasurer salary due extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances of Wendy Graves resignation and payout of unused vacation time:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 40, Section 6, a request to transfer $1,700 from Reserve Fund account #01-5-132-780 to Treasurer Salary #01-5-145-100
  • Tax Collector software expense:
  • Pursuant to MGL Chapter 40, Section 6, a request to transfer $50 from Reserve Fund account #01-5-132-780 to Tax Collector Expense #01-5-146-780
Stan moved to authorize department and reserve fund transfers as discussed. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). The board signed the forms.

The Advisory Board called their meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Alan Sentkowski moved to approve the transfers as discussed. John Shipman seconded. All were in favor (5-0).

Edie moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:14 pm. All were in favor (3-0).
Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary

Documents Reviewed:
Special Municipal Employee Disclosure – Stan Moss
Annual Board and Committee Appointment List
Reserve Fund Transfer Forms