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March 28, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
March 28, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #20
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

March 14, 2011- Regular Meeting - Edie moved to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Jon Fitch-Mass Broadband Initiative
Jon Fitch provided an update on the Mass Broadband initiative.
  • Mass Broadband will connect 123 communities in western Massachusetts.
  • Fiber optic cable will connect Broadband to the Town Hall, Dispatch, TPS, PMLD, Fire Station 2, Princeton Center, the library, and the top of Wachusett Mountain.
  • Jon signed a contract to survey the roads and poles to be connected.
  • At this time, only municipalities will be served.
  • Residences can be served when a provider is available.
  • This will eventually be an alternative to PMLD’s system.
  • The project is expected to be complete within two years & will provide cost savings to the town.
The board thanked Jon and told him they appreciate his efforts.
The $10 ice storm surcharge on the PMLD bill will be removed within two months.
The windmill is expected to provide 50% of the power by the end of March.

Appointment - Registrar of Voters
Edie moved to reappoint Anne Littlefield as Registrar of Voters for a term to expire on March 31, 2014. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Appointment - Underutilized Town Assets Committee
Joe reported he has four residents interested in serving on the committee and is waiting for a response from a fifth. Raymond moved to appoint the following people to serve on the Underutilized Town Assets Committee: David Krashes, Phil Mighdoll, Larry DeBlois, and Tom Daly. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0). The term will expire on June 30, 2012.

Cemetery Commission Vacancy
John informed the board of an opening on the Cemetery Commission to complete a term that expires on June 30, 2012.

Public Safety Committee Recommendation
Members of the Public Safety Committee (PSC) were present. Under the recommended model, paramedics and EMT’s will be paid for being on call, rather than being paid a large stipend for a transport. Chairman Neil Sulmasy recommends a three month trial period to collect data. Chief LaPorte said he’s on board with the recommendation.
Raymond moved to accept the recommendation of the PSC as detailed in the March 10, 2011 document, for a 90 day trial period to be implemented at a time deemed by the Town Administrator. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

The board discussed the PSC recommendation to hire to a full time fire chief.
The candidate would require skills as a firefighter/EMT or firefighter/paramedic. Edie moved to accept the recommendation to advertise the position of full time fire chief per details in the document titled Draft 6. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

The PSC is holding off on a recommendation for Dispatch at this time.
Neil offered to research the request to increase the Police Department budget by $6,900 for the promotion of a patrolman to sergeant.
John noted the committee has done a tremendous amount of work for the good of the community. The board agreed and is very pleased.

Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
John reported that the committee is making progress on its final report. They will meet this week.

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Building Committee
John reported the committee met with the designer and architect for the three projects. The goal is for completion at the end of December. The numbers are still in the rough estimate stage. The preference is to move ahead at the Annual Town Meeting and if necessary hold a Special Town Meeting once the numbers are refined. With the 52.9% reimbursement, the town will be responsible for an estimated $700,000 of the $1.7 million to complete the roof, boiler, and windows projects.  John said there’s concern about using the levy to fund with the uncertainty of additional budget pressures and recommends a debt exclusion override. If so, Town Clerk Lynne Grettum needs to be notified by April 4.
Raymond moved to add a debt exclusion question on the Annual Election Ballot. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY12 Budget
The draft budget was reviewed.
  • John proposed a 25% increase in energy costs.
  • There was discussion on overtime for police officers; it may be due to incentives for providing coverage for the Chief.
  • Non-union police salary is down due to completion of transition of the Chief.
  • Veteran services are up by $750.
  • Parks & Rec request for increase in the expense line is pending. A budget report will be sent to the board.
  • Memorial Day request of $500- Joe is not opposed to the idea and would like to add it in.
  • John added insurance increase of $30,000 to cover possible unemployment benefit.
John commended Terri Longtine for her willingness to work on health insurance matters while on vacation.
The board will meet with the Advisory Board within the next week to finalize the numbers.

ATM Draft Warrant
The warrant was reviewed. John reported he added an article requesting authorization for the Town Administrator to sign for all revolving accounts. The board agreed. As their agent, John should be authorized to sign for all accounts.

Other Business
John asked the board to submit suggestions for Citizen of the Year.
The 2010 Census reflects a 1.79% population increase for the town.
Denny Drewry, regional representative for Scott Brown will visit John on Wednesday.
Treasurer James Dunbar started work today and will work on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 am to 5 pm.

Public Comment

Executive Session

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. All were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary

Documents Reviewed:
Mass Broadband Initiative
Public Safety Committee March 10, 2011 Recommendation
Public Safety Committee Draft 6
Draft FY12 Budget
Draft ATM Warrant