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April 11, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
April 11, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

Representative Ferguson
Representative Ferguson is visiting all the tows in her district. She reported that the Governor’s budget has been released and the house budget will be out later this week. Revenues were up in March at $170 million.
The board agreed that PILOT is the most important local aid number for Princeton.  
Rep Ferguson is willing to help with the Route 140 project and previously sent a letter to John.
There is no news on the additional 12% FEMA reimbursement. Rep Ferguson will follow up on an unpaid invoice for Princeton.  She is also trying to get FEMA assistance for Worcester County for the snowstorm that occurred on January 12 and 13.
Joe mentioned the minimum contribution for Princeton for educational funding is too high.
Rep Ferguson is advocating local control for healthcare/GIC reform.
The state is looking at redistricting member towns. Letters can be sent requesting to stay in the 1st Worcester District.
Raymond mentioned the failed culvert in Westminster. That section of Route 31 is closed and repairs are not being done in a timely manner.

Rep Ferguson presented Joe with a congratulatory citation in recognition of numerous years of public service.  Joe and the board thanked her.

FY11 Warrant #21
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

March 28, 2011- Regular Meeting - Raymond moved to accept the minutes as amended. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Wachusett Reservation Historical Preservation
The Historical Commission is looking into making the Wachusett Reservation a Historical District.  David Crowley said he is concerned that as a result the ski area will fall under additional regulations. Joe attended a meeting with DCR, Massachusetts Historical, and the Wachusett Mountain Association and learned the land adjacent to the ski area will not be affected. He is waiting for a letter stating that fact and will discuss further at the next meeting. Edie noted there is no benefit to having the mountain categorized as historic.

Assessors Request for Warrant Article
Gary MacLeod asked the board to place an article on the warrant to authorize the Assessors to exempt up to $10,000 of personal property. There will be minimal impact to the town on the dollar amount. The board supports the idea. Gary will bring before the Advisory Board.

Audit Engagement Letter for FY11-13
John reported a three year auditing contract from Rosselli, Clark, & Associates has been proposed with the pre ice storm amount. He did comparison of other towns and noted some are paying more for about the same level of service. The board feels the service has been very good in the past and would like to continue. Edie moved to accept the contract with Rosselli, Clark, & Associates. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Up Down & Around Challenge
John informed the board the race took place on Saturday with no issues.

Town Clerk’s Request to Combine Election and ATM Warrants
John reported in the past the board signed two separate warrants which triggers additional work for the Clerk. Lynne is asking the board to approve combining the warrants and to let her decide the best way to do so. Edie moved to allow combining of the Town Election and Annual Town Meeting warrants and to allow the Town Clerk to determine the appropriate manner. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Public Safety Committee – Police Staff Sergeant
Members of the Public Safety Committee were present. Chairman Neil Sulmasy reported that Chief Powers met with the committee to discuss the promotion of a sergeant to staff sergeant and the overtime issue. There is someone currently operating as a staff sergeant, by promoting this individual an opportunity to staff the 2nd  shift without losing coverage is be provided. The committee felt the request was reasonable and unanimously supports the request. A reduction in overtime cost is expected in the long run.  The overtime issue stems from sick/vacation and time off for training. Chief Powers requests an increase in the budget of $15,132 for overtime. Raymond is concerned that the taxpayers expected overtime to be eliminated with the hiring of the sixth officer.
Joe thanked the committee for their work and said the board will take the matter under advisement.
Chief LaPorte reported that Easy PCR is now on-line. Coastal will work with Easy PCR for a smooth transition. John will find out if Easy PCR can assume receivables from Coastal.

Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee
John reported that the committee is expected to finish their final report this week.

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Building Committee
John reported the committee will meet tomorrow. The current number is $1,884,600 and includes fees of $170,000. The fee amount will drop if the project is not done in its entirety. A public hearing will be held on April 25 to provide information to voters.

ATM Draft Warrant
The warrant was reviewed. John reported new articles include the Assessors request, CIP ambulance article and the cemetery article. The warrant will be finalized and ready to sign at the next meeting.

FY12 Budget
The draft budget was reviewed. Stabilization numbers still need to be finalized. The Fire Department salary line item is being increased by $25,000 to fund a full time chief. John will make adjustments as discussed. Joe advocates putting $550,000 in the levy and unexpended free cash.

Other Business
Raymond said the replacement of the failed culvert on Route 31 in Westminster is expected to take two months.  It is a major safety issue and that length of time is unacceptable. John will work with Westminster and get regular updates on the status.  

Public Comment

Executive Session
Edie moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, and not to reconvene into open session. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Joe advised that the Board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Board will not reconvene in open session.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary