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February 14, 2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #17
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

January 31, 2011- Regular Meeting - Raymond moved to accept the minutes. Edie seconded.  All in favor (3-0).
January 31, 2011- Executive Session - Edie moved to accept the minutes not to be released at this time. Raymond seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Historical Commission Budget Request
Historical Commission Chairman Sheila Dubman requested a $500 increase in the annual budget, currently $1,500. Additional funds are needed for ongoing restoration work on fragile stones at Meetinghouse Cemetery. Edie suggested the request for additional funds be placed on a warrant and not be part of the budget. The board agreed. Sheila will work with John to develop a warrant article.

Mechanics Hall & Underutilized Town Assets Appointment Process
The charge was accepted at the last meeting.  The goal is to appoint a committee within the next month. Interested candidates will be asked to talk with John.

Authorize Deficit Spending for Snow/Ice Removal
John reported that Glenn Lyons has done a great job organizing his crew for snow and ice clean-up.  The account is still in the black, though one more storm will likely change that. Edie moved to deficit spend on snow and ice for the balance of 2011. Raymond seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Council on Aging Appointment
Edie moved to appoint Judy DeNittis as a member of the Council on Aging (COA) for a term to expire on June 30, 2011.  Raymond seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Fire Chief – Ambulance Billing & Collections
Chief LaPorte noted that Coastal Medical has done a great job, however the software they work with is expensive. Action Ambulance uses affordable software. Chief LaPorte recommends changing the current software package from Coastal Medical to the Action Ambulance model. All outstanding receivables will be addressed prior to the changeover.

Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee Update
John reported Superintendent Dr. Pandiscio will be present for a final information gathering session on February 15.  The committee will work on a report of recommendations to the board.

Public Safety Committee Update
John reported the work is ongoing. A new or used replacement ambulance will be pursued.

Hearts for Heat- Disposition of Funds
John met with Hearts for Heat President Cindy Shea and Accountant Janice Barrett. The preferred method is to turn funds over in a lump sum. John will ask Town Counsel how to proceed.

Other Business
John reported:
  • Several resumes have been received for the treasurer position. The board will interview the final three.
  • Thanks to the responsiveness and follow-up by Glenn Lyons, the town received over $24,000 in FEMA reimbursements for flooding that occurred in March of 2010.
Public Comment

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary

Referenced Documents
FY 11 Warrant #1
January 31, 2011 Regular Meeting & Executive Session Minutes