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Selectboard Minutes June 8, 2009

Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
June 8, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Alan Sentkowski and Joe O’Brien. Raymond Dennehy was absent.

FY09 Warrant #25
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

May 26, 2009 Regular Meeting – Joe moved to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (2-0).
May 26, 2009 Executive Session – Joe moved to accept the minutes not to be released at this time. Alan seconded. All in favor (2-0).

FY08 Ice Storm Update
Joe reported the pre-bid conference was held on May 27. The low bidder will be notified on June 9. Jon Fitch will send a newsletter to all residents. Work will begin in ten days and is expected to be complete within sixty days, or less.
PMLD received approval from FEMA on the contract for $1.6 million.

HPT Trash & Recycling Update
The Board reviewed the draft inter-municipal agreement. The Board will sign the final on June 22. Waste Management will send a mailing to residents to sign up for the program. A minimum of 60% participation from the three towns is required by June 30 for the program to move forward.  

Public Comment
Terri Thompson asked about the status of hiring a new Town Administrator. The Board will interview five candidates on June 16.

Parks & Recreation - Donation and Field Usage Policies
Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan explained that the Parks & Rec Commission drafted a Donation Policy to provide guidelines and criteria for accepting donations.  Joe asked Sue to work with Joe Lee on the Public Lands Review Committee since they already have a policy in place. This could be a new portion added as an addendum.
The commission also drafted a Field Usage Policy in response to private requests to use the fields. Joe asked Sue to specify the parks to prevent confusion over using the Town Common, which is considered a park.

At 5:50 pm Alan moved to go into executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations and to return to regular meeting at 6:15 pm. All were in favor by roll call.

The Board returned to regular meeting at 6:15 pm. Alan announced the Board and the Fire Chief reached an agreement for the FY10 contract.

Farmers Market Location Discussion
Members of the Agricultural Commission, Louise Dix of the Princeton Center Committee, and Farmers Market vendors were present for the discussion.
Alan explained the Princeton Center Committee had concerns about having the Farmers Market held there again this year due to fire safety and use of electricity. Louise Dix agreed to allow the market there again this year as long as there is no parking in areas of egress. Vendors noted it makes more sense to hold it on the Common and would prefer it. The Agricultural Commission said they decided to hold it at the Center for easier access for seniors, more parking and available sanitary facilities. Alan asked both groups to work together to resolve the differences, if not, another proposal can be made through the Building Inspector.

Sign Request- Farmers Market
Jennifer Caswell-King asked for permission to post signs. The Board asked her to review the town bylaws and come back to the next meeting with the request.

Keeper of the Town Clock Award Certificate of Appreciation
Alan presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Kenneth Hagberg, Keeper of the Town Clock for his 48 years of dedicated service to the town. Jane Weisman and the Library Trustees set up a plaque in the library to recognize Ken. Ken said he truly enjoyed taking care of the clock and will miss it.  James Mellor will take over.
Alan suggested the Trustees document Ken’s stories for an historical perspective.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary