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Selectboard Minutes March 10, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Special Meeting
March 10, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and Interim Town Administrator Jill Myers. Also present Town Council Heather Kingsbury.

Interim Town Administrator Agreement
Alan noted that Jill Myers is highly recommended. The Board reviewed an agreement for Interim Town Administrator Services with the Collins Center. Benefits will not be provided. Alan moved to sign the agreement as written. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Special Town Meeting Discussion
The board discussed the motions for the Special Town Meeting for the FY08 ice storm borrowing; a two-thirds majority is required to pass. Jon Fitch will do a presentation. If the 25% reimbursement from the state doesn’t come through, the town will be responsible.

Hayfields Lease
Town Council noted they reviewed the leas and it is pending insurance coverage amounts required from the vendor.

At 6:45 pm the Board voted to go into executive session for the purpose of pending litigation. All were in favor by roll call. (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary