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Selectboard Minutes March 16, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
March 16, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and interim Town Administrator Jill Myers.

FY09 Warrant #19
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

March 2, 2009 Regular Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).
March 4, 2009 Ice Storm Public Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes. Joe seconded. Raymond abstained. (2-0).

ATM Warrant Articles
  • Dog Bylaw Discussion
Town Clerk Lynne Grettum and Animal Control Office Louis Massa have been working together to revise the current regulations for the dog bylaw based on issues Louis has seen over the years. Lynne researched bylaws from several other towns. The revision would provide clarity to the existing bylaw. Alan moved to request the Town Clerk and Animal Control Office work with the Town Administrator to craft a warrant article as discussed. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

  • Planning Board – Proposed ATM Articles
The Planning Board has been working on an Accessory Apartment Zoning Bylaw, a revised definition for Lot Frontage, which simplifies the language and an updated zoning map that includes the new Rural Preservation Overlay District approved at the February, 2008 ATM.
Alan moved to authorize the Planning Board to submit the articles discussed to the Town Administrator and Town Council. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

New Town Website
Lynne Grettum was present for the discussion. The new website is up and running and all agreed it looks great. Meeting agendas and minutes are available on the website. Residents also have the option to subscribe and have them sent directly to their inbox.

Formal Printing and Mailing of ATM Warrant
The cost for the formal printing and binding of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant is over $2,000.00. Princeton is one of the few towns that mail the warrant to all households.  
Alan moved to discontinue the formal printing and binding of the ATM, however it will still be produced in hard copy and mailed to all households. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0). The Board will discuss whether to discontinue mailing the warrant in the future.

250th Anniversary Account- Clarification for use of Revenue
The Board reviewed MGL Chapter 44, Section 531: Settlement or incorporation celebrations, special fund. Jill will get clarification from the DOR to determine if the vote in May of 2005 is sufficient.

FY10 Proposed Budget
Jill will meet with department heads. Level funding is requested across the board.  Snow and ice needs to addressed The Board will decide whether to stay with the 85/15 health insurance split, or go to the 80/20.
There was discussion about the WRSD including stimulus money in the budget.  This will not be sustainable by any of the towns. The Budget Advisory Committee will discuss this further during their process.

Leo Montagna vs. Town of Princeton Update
The Board decided to reopen the hearing on March 30, 2009. Jill will notify Leo Montagna, Alwin Haas, Chief Schmohl, Lieutenant Powers and Animal Control Officer Louis Massa.

Town Administrator Recruitment Process
Dick Kobayashi of the Edward J. Collins Center met with the Board to discuss the recruitment process for a Town Administrator. Dick said the biggest risk is choosing the best person for the position from a mediocre pool of candidates. Dick is available to assist the Board in finding well-qualified candidates. He works with the town to create a vision of where the town wants to be in the next 3 to 5 years, prescreens candidates, provides necessary information to enter into discussion and move through the process in a timely manner. Dick explained the Collins Center is not in business to make a profit, but to improve management in the state. He will submit a proposal and references to the Board and they will discuss further at that time.

FY08 Ice Storm Update
Jill had a conference call today with FEMA, Congressman McGovern and other Town Administrators.
A pre-bid conference for debris clean up will take place on Tuesday, March 17.
Issues with hourly rates being higher than the FEMA accepted rates are being worked on to ensure proper reimbursement.  Project work sheets for the Police and Fire Departments have been signed. Jill will continue to clarify any issues with FEMA.
Wendy Graves is comparing the cost of the Moody Rating to determine the most effective borrowing.

Future Agenda Items
  • FEMA Updates
  • WRSD Assessment
  • Union Issues
  • Health Insurance
Public Comment
Ken Whitney, President of the Fire Fighters Association informed the Board he will send a letter to request permission to use the Town Common for the Firemen’s Muster.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary