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Selectboard Minutes February 2, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
February 2, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and Town Administrator Dennis Rindone.

Town Administrator Contract
Dennis and the Board agreed to extend his employment contract for two additional years. All aspects of contract remain the same.  There is no increase in salary for FY10.
The Board feels Dennis has done an excellent job.  He provides the stability and experience needed to meet the changing needs of the town.
Joe moved to sign the amendment and extension of the employment contract between the Town of Princeton and the Town Administrator through June 30, 2013.

WRSD Budget Discussion
Superintendent Dr. Pandiscio and Margaret Watston, Chair of the Wachusett School Committee were present to discuss the WRSD budget. The Board reviewed preliminary numbers of the revenue shortfalls in the five towns. The foundation budget did not increase by the 6% as expected. The increase was 4.5%. Net minimum requirement is below foundation for the first time in over ten years. Dr. Pandiscio is hoping to cut costs by reducing insurance expense by $250,000 through a change in plan design. He is looking at additional cuts in textbooks and equipment over last year that could save 400,000. The oil bid is expected to save $500,000. In addition, a letter was sent to the bargaining unit requesting salary concessions. All unrepresented employees and contracted employees, including the superintendent will participate in a wage freeze.
Margaret Watson and the School Committee will review and discuss budget cuts at their annual retreat on February 7.  Transportation costs are a concern with each school bus costing $40,000 per year. Margaret is also concerned about continuing cuts in textbooks and materials and the impact it may have on learning.

MIT Cycling Club Bike Race – Eric Edlund
The MIT Cycling Club is hosting a race on April 18 and 19. The course dips into Princeton on Rhodes Road, Thompson Road and Gates Road.  The club is looking for permission from the Board for the use of these roads and for police duty for traffic control, which will be paid by the club.
Alan moved to approve the request by the MIT Cycling Club for the race on April 18 and 19, in parts of Princeton. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Tighe & Bond – Environmental Clean Up and Water Testing
Ken Gendron of Tighe & Bond provided an update of the status of the clean up and reviewed proposals to move forward. The Public Safety Building and the former Princeton Landfill are the areas currently being worked on. The landfill was closed in the mid nineties. DEP requires twenty-five years of monitoring; however after ten years the town can petition the DEP to cease monitoring.  The landfill is clean with no detection of

Tighe & Bond – Environmental Clean Up and Water Testing (continued from page 1)
chemicals and the caps are intact with the exception of one small area. Tighe & Bond will provide three years of monitoring and inspection for a total of $18,150.00.
There was discussion about utilizing the landfill, including researching grants for a solar power panels. A golf course was another idea.  
One well at the Public Safety Building continues to show persistent concentration of gasoline compounds above the standards. Options to resolve include trying a new chemical for sulfate to treat it or to continue testing and treating as in the past. All other wells are below standards. The Board agreed it makes sense to put the cost of the projects on the STM warrant.

FY08 Ice Storm Update
Dennis continues to work with FEMA.  He will meet with the Army Corp of Engineers on Thursday to determine the volume of debris. Determining the cost is crucial to putting a bid packet together. Fitchburg’s packet will be used as a model. Discussion with other towns will take place at the Regional Select Board meeting to see how they are handling their debris and determine how to lobby for the remaining 25% that is not covered by FEMA.   

FY09 Snow & Ice Deficit
Joe moved to allow deficit spending for FY09 snow and ice. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

March 10, 2009 STM Warrant Draft
The Board reviewed the STM warrant. Snow and Ice needs additional funding. Dennis will fund in conjunction with the roads budget.
Cost for monitoring at the landfill and clean up at the Public Safety Building needs to be added to the warrant.

Leo Montagna vs. Town of Princeton Update
Joe attended the hearing before the Court Magistrate on Friday along with Louis Masa, Lieutenant Powers and Alwin Hass. Leo attended with his dog trainer and a neighbor. The town was well represented by Town Counsel. A finding will come down in twelve days.

Public Comment – Mid State Trail Footbridge
Ralph Harrelson of Rhodes Road addressed the Board. He read a statement expressing his disappointment with the redirection of the pedestrian footbridge after reading about Deb Cary’s discussion with the Board in the Landmark. He feels the Audubon Society is backing out on their deal and there was a conflict of interest on Deb’s part. The Board explained there was no discussion over the footbridge. Deb, as a member of the Open Space Committee discussed the process and how to move forward with the project, including getting feedback from the neighbors. It is now in the hands of the Open Space Committee. The Board suggested Ralph contact Deb Cary with his concerns. It is very likely the Audubon Society will be a participant in the project.  

FY10 Proposed Budget & Revenue Report
Dennis level funded the Fire Department Budget. The Ambulance Budget increase can be funded by the surplus in the Readiness account. The Board reviewed the Operating Budget.

The Board signed the employment contract for Lieutenant Powers.

FY09 Warrant #16
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer  & Accountant.

January 20, 2009 Regular Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes. Joe seconded. Raymond abstained due to absence (2-0).

January 20, 2009 Executive Session – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes to be released to the public. Joe seconded. Raymond abstained due to absence (2-0).

January 26, 2009 Regular Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary