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Selectboard Minutes February 17, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
February 17, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and Town Administrator Dennis Rindone.

FY09 Warrant #17
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer & Accountant.

February 2, 2009 Regular Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Town Website Update
Town Clerk Lynne Grettum informed the Board that the new Virtual Town Hall Website will go live during the first week of March. A town wide flyer will be sent out with the PMLD bill in April. There was discussion about creating an email list for residents to subscribe to updates on events or emergency situations.  The Board thanked Lynne for managing the project.

Employee Insurance Advisory Committee
The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee members Terri Longtine and Michelle Powers reviewed health insurance options for FY10. Their recommendation is for the Board to consider keeping the current 85/15 split with the Fallon Premium Saver 1000 as the only option. It will still save the town money and the 85/15 split will help offset the wage freeze. Dennis will arrange a GIC insurance workshop for additional information.

Library Project Closeout
Alan read a letter from the Library Trustees thanking the town for its support of the exterior renovation and expressing their appreciation to Dennis for his coordination of the project.

March 10, 2009 - Special Town Meeting Warrant
The Board reviewed the articles. There was discussion about Article 11, Building Maintenance Program being on the STM Warrant, rather than the ATM Warrant. It was placed on the STM Warrant because it is a priority.
Joe moved to sign the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting on March 10, 2009. Alan seconded. All in favor (3-0). The Board signed the Warrant.

FY08 Ice Storm Update and 25% Reimbursement Request
All paperwork will be filed with FEMA within two weeks. Dennis will advertise for town property to be cleaned. The goal is for it to be complete by April 1. Raymond signed a letter from the region to Governor Patrick requesting assistance for the 25% that is not covered by FEMA. All Select Board Chairmen in the region will sign the letter.

FY10 Proposed Budget & Revenue
The Board reviewed the Budget. Dennis will continue to work on the numbers.

Letter to Teamster Local 170 Union
Alan moved to send a letter to the Stewards of the Dispatchers and Police Officers Union requesting they forego FY10 salary increases. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0). The Board signed the letter.

Longsjo Bike Race – July 4, 2009
Alan moved to approve the conditions of the Longsjo Bike Race on Saturday, July 4, through the town of Princeton. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).  

MIT Cycling Club Bike Race – Eric Edlund
The MIT Cycling Club is requesting a date change for their race from April 18 and 19 to April 25 and 26.  The Board agreed to the new dates.

Executive Session
Joe moved to go into executive session at 6:00 pm for the purpose of Police and Fire Chief Contract negotiations and discussion on the Court Magistrates ruling overturning the dog hearing decision.  All in favor by roll call. (3-0).

The Board returned to regular meeting at 6:25 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Raymond announced the executive session topics: 1) The Board decided not to modify the contracts for the Fire or Police Chiefs for their ice storm service; however they will award each chief one week of vacation time with the option to buy it back if salary is remaining in the account. 2) The Board will appeal the Court Magistrates ruling on Leo Montagna vs. the Board of Selectmen, Town of Princeton.

Liberty Elm Tree – Scout Griffin Fitzgerald
After much research and work with various committees and individuals, Griffin advised the Board of his decision to plant the Liberty Elm on the lower common. The tree will be twenty feet behind the monument. It will be delivered on April 5 and planted as soon as possible. Joe moved to have the tree delivered to the Town Barn. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0). The Board congratulated Griffin on a job well done.

Hayfields Lease Discussion – Dave Caporello
Conservation Commission member Dave Caporello discussed information for the hayfields lease including recommendations from Attorney Kincaid.
  • A restriction for any chemical that’s soluble should be in place. The lessee would have to work with the Conservation Commission
  • An agricultural and recreational plan will become part of the lease
  • The applicant will be required to state their liability
Dennis will review the details of the RFP and make a recommendation to the Board.
Dave suggests all boards and committees have mission statements on the website.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary