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Selectboard Minutes January 5, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
January 5, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Joe O’Brien, Alan Sentkowski and Town Administrator Dennis Rindone.

FY09 Warrant #14
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer  & Accountant.

December 29, 2008 Regular Meeting – Joe made a motion to accept the minutes. Alan seconded. Raymond abstained All in favor (2-0).
December 22, 2008 Regular Meeting – Alan made a motion to accept the minutes.  Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Ice Storm 2008 – Payroll Discussion
Town Counsel Heather Kingsbury was present for the discussion. Payroll rates for the storm range from $14-$17 per hour and overall hours range from 3 to 179.  Fire Chief Ray LaPorte submitted payroll for 144 hours. His contract allows for 56 hours for a two-week period. Heather explained that his contract calls for him to be the Emergency Management Director; therefore the extra hours are a part of his contract and not over and above. The Board discussed revising the contract to allow for authorized emergency circumstances to pay overtime at the regular rate to allow for an opportunity for reimbursement. If Ray’s contract is amended, then Chief Schmohl’s must be as well.
Heather will work with Dennis on recommendations and Dennis will check with other towns to see how they are handling.  The Board will discuss further at the next meeting.

STM Date
Dennis will get back to the Board on the date for the STM to be scheduled sometime in March.

Close ATM Warrant
Alan moved to close the ATM Warrant for 2009 on March 16, 2009. Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

FY08 Annual Town Report
All reports are due on January 29, 2009.

Gates Road Tree Hearing
The reconvened hearing will be held on January 10 at 10 am on Gates Road.

FY10 Budget Due
All budgets are due back to Dennis on January 14. Alan would like to review the numbers prior to the meeting with the Advisory Board on January 20.

Waste Reduction Task Force
An addendum will go out to all vendors on January 6, 2009. The new bid opening will be on January 21 at 10 am.

Appointments - Town Plan Implementation Committee
Alan moved to appoint the following people to the Town Plan Implementation Committee with a term to expire on June 30, 2010:
  • Anne Littlefiled
  • Dennis Rindone
  • Michael Latka
  • Leslie Dale Fanger
Joe seconded. All in favor (3-0).

6th Annual Unsung Heroines of Massachusetts
Dennis asked the Board to consider nominees for the upcoming event.

Ice Storm Damage to Town Property
The Board discussed the process for handling storm damage with the Cemetery Commissioners, Tree Warden and Parks and Recreation. The Cemetery Commissioners submitted a report of damage to cemeteries and parks.
A photo album of severe damage will be created and submitted to FEMA. Once FEMA provides the rules and regulations, the town will solicit bids for clean up.
A wrap up meeting will be held and will include a discussion about how to handle hanging tree limbs.
Joe Lee will talk with Glenn Lyons about his concerns with trees being cut that may not need to be.

Public Comment
Joe attended the 250th “Kick Off” celebration and said it was incredible. The 250th Committee did a great job.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary