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Selectboard Agenda 01/23/2019 Revised
REVISED 01/17/2019


DATE: January 23, 2019

TIME:  5:30 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall Annex, Large Room

REQUESTED BY:  Richard Bisk, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for January 9th, 14th, 16th and 17th

Public Comment
Residents may address the Selectboard on matters of interest to the public for up to three (3) minutes.

Old Business
  • Increase Selectboard focus on long-term strategic thinking (10 min. est.)
  • Proposed Westminster Landfill Expansion (5 min. est.)
  • Council on Aging Sonoma Space – Lease signed, next steps (5 min. est.)
  • Memorial Day Committee – Review Comments and Possibly Appoint (2 min. est.)
  • Police & Fire Chief Contract Renewals – Ratify in Open Session (1 min. est.)
New Business
  • Facilities Steering Committee Phase II – Work with JWA & General Update (5 min. est.)
  • Public, Education and Governmental (PEG) Access Support – Vote to request the commencement of payments (1.25% of Gross Annual Revenue to the Town) (5 min. est.)
  • Appoint Temporary Project Assistant for Council on Aging/Community Space Construction (2 min. est.)
  • Veterans Agent – Accept Resignation & Advertise (1 min. est.)
  • Appoint Road Advisory Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate and vote Special Municipal Employee (1 min. est.)

Town Administrator’s Reports

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21 (5 min. est.):
Exemption Three – To discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares

January 24th                    Communications Mtg.     8:30 AM Town Hall Annex
February 6th                    Regular Meeting         6:00 PM Town Hall Annex
February 14th           Communications Mtg      8:30 AM Town Hall Annex