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Selectboard Agenda 11/27/2018

DATE: November 27, 2018 (TUESDAY)

TIME:  5:00 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall Annex, Large Room

REQUESTED BY:  Richard Bisk, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for November 14th

Public Comment
Residents may address the Selectboard on matters of interest to the public for up to three (3) minutes.

Environmental Action Committee – Appoint Mr. Rob Abady (5 min. est.)

Old Business
  • Review Letter to Residents on Open Meeting Law – Vote (5 min. est.)
  • Charter Update (5 min. est.)
  • Council on Aging Sonoma Space Update (5 min. est.)
  • Code of Conduct – Discuss feedback and review any written suggestions for language changes (15 min. est.)
New Business
  • Fire Truck Borrowing – Vote to authorize borrowing (5 min. est.)
  • Discuss Board/Appointment Process (e.g. should we invite candidates in or call them) (5 min. est.)
  • Advisory Committee Vacancy – Deadline Extended (1 min. est.)
  • Christmas Eve Holiday – Close Non-Emergency Departments (1 min. est.)

Town Administrator’s Reports

December 12th           Regular Meeting         4:30 PM Town Hall Annex
December 13th           Communications Mtg.     8:30 AM Town Hall Annex
December 20th           Communications Mtg.     8:30 AM Town Hall Annex