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Selectboard Agenda 09/04/2018

DATE: September 4, 2018 (TUESDAY)

TIME:  7:00 PM

LOCATION: Princeton Senior Center, 206 Worcester Road, Suite 18, Post Office Place

REQUESTED BY:  Richard Bisk, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Facilities Steering Committee, Phase II Appointment (1 min. est.)

Joint Meeting with Facilities Steering Committee, Phase II (30 min. est.):
  • Review Charge/Goals
  • Discuss Special Town Meeting for November
  • Budget
  • Questions
Minutes for August 20th & 23rd  

Public Comment
Residents may address the Selectboard on matters of interest to the public for up to three (3) minutes.

Old Business
  • Princeton Farmers Market Group, Request to Use Annex (5 min. est.)
  • Student Involvement/Attendance at Selectboard meetings – List of questions (5 min. est.)
  • Mechanics Hall Committee Appointments (5 min. est.)
  • Community Compact Best Practice Areas – Discuss/Vote (5 min. est.)
New Business
  • Open Meeting Law Complaint – Review Draft response/vote (5 min. est.)
  • Joint Regional Meeting regarding WRSD FY20 Budget on 9/11 in Holden (10 min. est.)
  • Heavy Equipment Operator – Post (1 min. est.)
Correspondence (5 min. est.)

Town Administrator’s Reports (5 min. est.)

Sign Warrants FY’19 – 05

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21 (30 min. est.):
        Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Police Chief

Sept. 6th                                       Goals Setting Session #3        4:00 PM Harrington Farm
Sept. 13th                                      Communications Mtg.     9:00 AM Town Hall Annex
Sept. 17th                                      Regular Meeting         6:30 PM Town Hall Annex