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Selectboard Agenda 06/25/2018 - Revised
REVISED 06/25/2018


DATE: June 25, 2018

TIME:  7:30 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall (Bagg Hall)

REQUESTED BY:  Richard Bisk, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for June 11th

Public Comment
Residents may address the Selectboard on matters of interest to the public for up to three (3) minutes.

Cemetery Superintendent – Appoint Mr. William Bergstrom (5 min. est.)

Old Business
  • Charter Update, if needed (5 min. est.)
  • Update on MBI Board Meeting which occurred on June 15th at 10 AM (5 min. est.)
New Business
  • Board/Committee Appointments (15 min. est.)
  • Assistant Town Clerk (as needed) position– Authorize TA to post (1 min. est.)
  • Accept Resignation(s) (1 min. est.)
  • Cemetery Burial Rates, Proposed Changes – Vote (5 min. est.)
  • MIIA Health Benefits Trust Agreement – Vote & sign (1 min. est.)
  • Service Agreement with E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc. – Authorize TA to sign (1 min. est.)
  • Minuteman Road Club Gran Fondo & Medio Fondo Ride on July 28, 2018 – Approve (1 min. est.)
Correspondence (5 min. est.)

Town Administrator’s Reports (5 min. est.)

Sign Warrants FY’18 – 26

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21 (45 min. est.):
Exemption Two - To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel – Classification & Compensation Study

Exemption Three - To discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares

June 26th                                       Cable Petition Hearing  9:00 AM Town Hall Annex
June 26th                                       Joint Meeting with FSC  7:30 PM Town Hall Annex
June 27th                                       Goal Setting Session    1:45 PM Fire Station #2
July 9th                                        Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex