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Selectboard Agenda 11/22/2017

DATE:  November 27, 2017

TIME:  7:30 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall Annex

REQUESTED BY:  Jon Fudeman, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for November 13th

Legislative Priorities, Ratify list to Representative Ferguson & Senator Chandler

Meeting with Representative Ferguson & Senator Chandler

Joint Meeting with the Advisory Committee – Discuss next steps for FY19 Budget & Capital Requests

Old Business
  • Charter Cable Franchise – Update
  • Facilities Steering Committee – Update
  • Route 140 Reconstruction Project – Update
  • Mechanics Hall Well, MassDEP Notice of Non-Compliance – Update
  • Community Compact Grant for Capital Improvements Plan/Organizational Review – Update
  • Classification & Compensation Study Results
  • Financial Plan – Issues and Extra Meetings
New Business
  • Mass Broadband Institute – Draft Letter for submission regarding reimbursement
  • Wachusett Earthday Agreement – Vote & Sign
  • Memorial Day Committee – Advertise to re-establish committee
  • Historical Commission – Vote Notice of Interest by Mr. Phil Mighdoll
Public Comment


Town Administrator’s Reports

Sign Warrants FY’18 - 09

December 11th           Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex
December 26th           Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex
January 8th                     Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex