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Selectboard Agenda 08/21/17
BOARD/COMMITTEE: Board of Selectmen

DATE:  August 21, 2017                          TIME: 7:30 PM

LOCATION: Town Hall Annex-Large room

REQUESTED BY: Jon Fudeman, Chair, BoS
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


Minutes for August 7th    

Assistant Treasurer/Collector & Executive Assistant – Appoint Ms. Amy Drumm

7:45 PM (estimated) – Joint Meeting with the Advisory Committee Review Committee – Discuss Charge

Old Business
  • Joint Meeting with the Advisory Committee – Discuss Class A Tanker Fire Engine Request
  • Special Town Meeting Warrant – Review/Vote to Post
  • Princeton Center Building – Discuss Next Steps (e.g. winterize, mothballing, etc.)
  • Charter Cable Franchise – Update
  • Facilities Steering Committee – Update
New Business
  • Regional School District Foundation Budget Review Commission – Written Testimony
  • Cultural Council – Appoint 3 new members (Ron Curry, Marsha Dowdy, & Carla Royak Volturo)
  • Administrative Assistant for Building Department – Vote to Advertise
  • Improving communication with residents:
  • Structuring BoS meetings – Accomplishing town business, while providing for public input;
  • use of town news for communication; and
  • social media policy.
  • Use of Fitchburg Road to film German movie, Katie Fforde: Family On Vacation
  • Confirm next meeting date, given Advisory Committee hearing on same date
Public Comment

Town Administrator’s Reports

Sign Warrants FY’18 – 04

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:
  • Exemption Three – To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the chair so declares – Request for leave of absence
Sept. 5th (TUES)                Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex
Sept. 7th (THURS)               Special Town Meeting    7:00 PM Thomas Prince School
Sept. 14 (THURS)                Goal Setting Meeting    4:00 PM Harrington Farm
Sept. 18th                              Regular Meeting         7:30 PM Town Hall Annex