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Selectboard Agenda 10/31/16
BOARD/COMMITTEE: Board of Selectmen

DATE:  October 31, 2016 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME: 5:15 PM

LOCATION: ~Princeton Center, 18 Boylston Avenue

REQUESTED BY: Stan Moss, Chair, BoS
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


5:15 PM – Introduction to Virtual History Tour Project – Collaboration between WPI and Princeton Arts and Historic Societies

New Business
  • Authorize TA to Sign:
  • Fire Dept. Emergency Management Performance Grant
  • Massachusetts Cultural Council Annual Grant
  • PMLD Memorandum of Understanding – LED Street Lighting Accelerator Program
  • Route 140 Keys Brook Bridge Repair – Award and Authorize to Sign
  • Highway Department Positions
  • Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator (1 position) – Vote to Post
  • Seasonal Winter Employee (2 positions) – Vote to Post
  • Information Technology Position – Vote to Post
  • Thelia Thompson of Redwood Road – Appoint as Election Officer
WRSD Audit Advisory Board (3 year term)
Counsel for Cable Licensing Process

Old Business
  • Community Compact – Update
  • Council on Aging Director/Princeton Center Manager – Position Update
  • Update on Principal Assessor – Position Update
  • Potential Appointments for Board and Committee Vacancies
  • Parks & Recreation Commission
6:15 PM – Tax Classification Hearing – Jointly with Board of Assessors

Public Comment


Town Administrator’s Reports

Minutes for Sept. 7th, Oct. 17th, 19th, 25th and 27th & Sign Warrants FY’17 – 9

Nov. 14                         Regular Meeting         5:15 PM TBD
Nov. 28                         Regular Meeting         5:15 PM TBD
Dec. 5                          Special Budget Mtg.             5:00 PM TBD