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March 11, 2013

Town of Princeton
Board of Selectmen
March 11, 2013   ---   6 PM
Town Hall Annex


Warrants and Minutes

Review and Approve FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 18

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes of Feb. 25 & March 4, 2013

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings

6:30 PM  Cemetery Commission-Budget and Warrant articles requests

6:45 PM  Underutilized Assets Committee-Warrant article request

7 PM   Police Chief Powers and Warrant articles requests

New Business

Approve letter to CMRPC supporting East Princeton/Route 140 project
Sign letter to CMRPC for CMMPO
Approve letter to Open Space Committee supporting Open Space and Recreation Plan Update-December 2012.

Old Business

FY 2014 Budget Development.
Broadband Committee report
Community Innovation Challenge Grant for Stormwater Management

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session

DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION
March 25                        Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex
April 8                 Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex