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July 16, 2012
Town of Princeton
Board of Selectmen
July 16, 2012
5 PM


Warrants and Minutes
Review and Approve FY12 Vendor and Payroll Warrant #01
Review and Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of July 2, 2012
Review and Approve Executive Session Minutes of July 2, 2012

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings
5:15 Auditor Tony Roselli of Roselli, Clark & Associates
5:30 Road Advisory Committee
6:00 Friends of Mechanics Hall

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
Thomas Prince PCB Project
Review Board and Committee Vacancies
Fee Comparison Review

New Business
Mass Municipal Association (MMA) Membership Renewal
Award Mirick Road Construction Project Bid
Letter of Resignation from Board of Assessors - John Lanpher

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session


DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION
July 30         Regular Meeting                         5:00 pm                 Annex   
Aug 13          Regular Meeting                         5:00 pm                 Annex   
Aug 27          Regular Meeting                         5:00 pm                 Annex