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November 13, 2012
Regular Meeting
November 13, 2012

Members Present:  Tom Daly, Phil Mighdoll, Henry Beth, David Krashes.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02PM

Dave brought the Committee up-to-date on the forestry study and grant application.  If the Park were to be utilized with trails, etc, then the forestry management plan would have to reflect that rather than just harvesting the land for lumber.  There are no State funds available for the current FY but Princeton is apparently on a waiting list.  The Committee feels we no longer need to deal with this parcel as it now goes to Parks & Rec and the BOS.

Tom reviewed the estimates from Doug Andrysick to survey and stake lot lines on the three priority parcels;  2 on Mountain RD and 1 on Hubbardston. (See attached for breakdown of estimates

Phil will send a letter to John Lebeaux recommending the BOS put a budget request into Town Meeting articles to cover the costs.  The Committee feels the survey should definitely be done and the perc tests could be added if necessary to successfully market the properties.
Henry felt the BOS should have a professional appraisal done or enlist the help of the Board of Assessors to establish a value.  It was also recommended the town not rush these properties into the current, stagnant market.

Phil suggested we not meet again until May, 2013.  If town meeting doesn’t approve the budget request for these target properties, it’s not likely it would for any other parcels.  The Committee would have to reconsider strategy at that time.

Phil made a motion to adjourn, Tom seconded, all were in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM.

Tom Daly, Secretary