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August 14, 2012
Regular Meeting
August 14, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:04PM
Phil brought the committee up-to-date regarding the BOS meeting and conversations with John Lebeaux.  Members had no changes to goals for the committee.
Boylston Park- Dave gave us contact information for Forestry Management assistance from DCR.  His name is Mike Downey and they can supply us with an application for funding ($850 or so) to develop a forestry management plan.  He can be reached at 413-212-3039 or 978-368-0126.  Dave will request an application form.  Downey also had high praise for Mike Berry as a good person to do the actual plan.  His fee is $500-700 for 50/70 acre plans.  There was discussion regarding this committee getting involved or if we should leave it to Parks & Rec as it falls under their jurisdiction.  For now, this committee will start the process and see where it goes.  Phil will discuss with BOS at their next meeting to determine if this committee transcends all departments when it comes to revenue generation.  There is also a question as to who would have control over the distribution of any funds derived from harvesting trees from Boylston Park.  Phil mentioned Stan Moss and Rex Baker were going to walk Boylston Park, an objective not yet achieved.
There was also discussion of the desirability of combining the two Mountain Rd lots to sell as one.  The driveway grade might be an issue.  An access easement through the adjacent property (Adams easement might be restrictive) might be one solution.  Henry Beth will research and also determine procedures for selling municipal property. Henry will also check registry for plot plans.
Dave suggested we develop a budget for each lot for survey work and perc tests.  Tom will contact Doug Andrysck and Larry Green to get estimates.   
Phil will contact an auctioneer to determine the process and perhaps invite him to a future meeting.
The committee determined we might initially focus on Hubbardston Rd and Mountain Rd as the most saleable properties.
Tom made a motion to adjourn, Larry seconded.  All were in favor.  Meeting was adjourned at7:56PM.