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February 14, 2012
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2012

The Committee meeting was called to order at 6:32PM.  Present were:  Phil Mighdoll, Tom Daly, David Krashes, and Henry Beth.  Larry DeBlois was absent.

Also in attendance were Alex Fiandaca and Sheila Dubman from the Historical Commission.

Tom moved to accept the minutes for Dec 13th and Jan 10th.  Phil seconded.  All in favor.

The Mechanics Hall open house developed a list of 17 people interested in developing “Friends of Mechanics Hall”.  Alex felt the Assets Committee should be a part of their first meeting.  Tom suggested in addition to Alex and Sheila, this Committee might just appoint one or two members to attend to provide input but not the entire Committee.  Phil said he would be in contact with those interested and attempt to get a meeting scheduled as soon as possible.

Dave reviewed the spread sheet for the most saleable properties and discussed his valuations.
Henry felt there were too many unknown variables that might impact valuations to determine highest potential value.  Phil and Henry felt we should recommend suggested actions for the Selectmen to take to determine valuations.  It was also felt any sale would require properties be put out to bid.  Tom will review the assessments to insure they are the 2012 valuations.    Phil will make revisions and add Mechanics Hall and the 60 acre Park on Calamint Hill to the list.  Although the Park has a deed restriction regarding its use, Dave felt some forest harvesting might produce some revenue that could be used to enhance its use.

The Committee needs to do additional work on the final report to the Selectmen.  Phil suggested we should meet again on the 28th of Feb.  He will check on where we might meet and confirm that date.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Daly, Secretary