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January 10, 2012
The Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00PM.  Present were:  Phil Mighdoll, Tom Daly, and David Krashes. Larry DeBlois and Henry Beth were absent.

Also in attendance were Alex Fiandaca and Sheila Dubman from the Historical Commission.

Dave moved to approve the December 13, 2011 minutes subject to any potential corrections/additions.  All were in favor 3-0.

The committee discussed and revised the invitation to visit Mechanics Hall to reflect more urgency.  It was also agreed to not set a date for an organizational meeting at this time.  The invitation will be printed on color stock and distributed via the USPS route system in addition to the usual public postings.  It should also be forwarded to Phyllis at the Landmark.  We will have a table set up at MH to collect the names of attendees and then set a date for the organizational meeting.  Tom suggested we emphasize involvement of both the Historical Committee (not withstanding the significant contributions from Alex and Sheila) and the Historical Society among others.

Tom indicated Doug had not been able to find the time to do the topo’s for the potentially saleable properties but indicated he was still willing to help when he gets a break in his schedule.  Phil suggested we ask Doug for a date and possibly schedule our next meeting around his availability.  Tom will contact Doug.  We are still waiting for updated Assessor Maps and property lists.  When we can better identify the properties, Tom, Phil and Dave will go on a road trip to visually look at each site and report back to the committee.

Tom agreed to get copies of the deeds for the potentially saleable properties.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Daly, Secretary