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November 15, 2011
Regular Meeting
November 15, 2011

The Committee meeting was called to order at 6:31PM.  Present were:  Phil Mighdoll, Tom Daly, David Krashes, Larry DeBlois, and Henry Beth.

Also in attendance were Alex Fiandaca and Sheila Dubman from the Historical Commission.

The September 27 minutes were approved, 5-0.

The committee discussed the Keith Chenot visit (summary attached) and concluded that the previous Light Department rehab budget of $327,500 might be too little. That was done in 1997. In addition, Dave Krashes had some paint samples tested and discovered the presence of lead – interior and exterior.

Phil and Larry outlined four general options for Mechanics Hall.
  • Repair and use for community activites, etc. (Funding TBD).
  • Sell the property with appropriate protective covenants.
  • Stabilize the building with weather/varmint protection and minimal cosmetics.
  • Demolish the property before it becomes a safety hazard.
Alex proposed we pursue the Select Board commitment to stabilize the structure.

Sheila indicated the most likely means of funding would come from Community Preservation Act.  Most other funding sources for historic preservation are for privately owned income properties.  We acknowledged that the town has rejected previous attempts to adopt the CPA. Also, state funding has declined so that the match is not as attractive as it once was

Henry and Tom felt a 21E environmental study would need to be done for all options.

Dave felt MH needs a strong advocate (Friends of Mechanics Hall) to push for funding and to present to town meeting.  He suggested a general mailing to East Princeton (400 names at 14.5 cents per name) requesting interested parties visit MH at some future date and be invited to a public meeting at some future date.  There might be some safety issues regarding public visits that would have to be discussed and Select Board would have to approve.  However, a site visit might not be necessary as most people are aware of the building and its significance to the town.

The other properties are to be discussed at the Dec 13th meeting.

Dave and Tom will try to reach Doug to see if he has a more detailed plot plan and invite him to the 12/13 meeting.

The next committee meeting will be December 13 and with Select Board December 19.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Daly, Secretary