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May 5, 2014
TOWN OF PRINCETON, MA Princeton Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
May 5 2014

AB John Shipman chair called the AB meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

AB members in attendance were: John Shipman, Jimmy O'Coin, Joe Lotuff, Dave Cruise, and Wayne Adams
Absent:   George Handy

Agenda AB
-  Public hearing for May 13 2014 ATM Warrant
-  Act on Reserve Fund Transfer for Snow/Ice Removal Expenses
-  vote on minutes from previous meetings

ATM Warrant Hearing
Motion to waive reading the entire ATM Warrant by Wayne Adams. Seconded by Joe Lotuff.  All in attendance voted in favor.

Focus of meeting was on articles where no AB decision was made yet, from the previous join AB/BOS ATM Warrant session on Monday, April 28 2014.

Article 10 read by Jimmy O'Coin. Article is Princeton Planning Board recommendation on rezoning residential/business parcels to residential/agricultural parcels on section of  Highway 31.  Discussion included lack of clarity of the motion due to a lack of a color coded map, whether existing businesses on property to be rezoned to residential/agricultural would be grandfathered in with any restrictions, and any resident impact.  John LeBeaux read the portion of the Zoning Bylaws that grandfathers current use and the establishes conditions for ZB/PB review/approval for expansion of a business and or change of the business. Town resident attending the Hearing that lives adjacent to the effected parcels to be rezoned gave first-hand experience of one's understanding of Articles 10, 11, and 12, as well experience of having residential property adjacent to business property.   Motion by Jimmy O'Coin to leave as "AB decision to be determined" , until the town voice is heard during the ATM on 5/13. Seconded by Joe Lotuff. All in attendance voted in favor.

Article 11 read by Jimmy O'Coin. Article is citizens petition as an alternative to Article 10 with different parcels being affected. Discussion included lack of clarity of the motion due to a lack of a color coded map, whether existing businesses on property to be rezoned to residential/agricultural would be grandfathered in with any restrictions, and any resident impact.  Motion by Jimmy O'Coin to leave as "AB decision to be determined" , until the town voice is heard during the ATM on 5/13. Seconded by Wayne Adams. All in attendance voted in favor.

Article 14 read by Jimmy O'Coin.  Article contained corrections and clarifications to Zoning Bylaws. Discussion included lack of clarity if changes were only housekeeping or more substantive, since no red-lined version of the bylaws were prepared for the AB review by the PB.  Motion to Not Support the Article by Jimmy O'Coin, second by John Shipman.  Vote was 3-Y, 2-N, 0-A.  

Action item for John Shipman to contact PB chair about Articles 10, 11, and 14.  Action for AB members to ready Zoning Bylaws and apply Article 14 changes, be prepared for discussion on 5/13 pre-ATM AB meeting.  Also AB members to receive color coded zoning maps for Articles 9,10, 11, and 12 and be prepared for the 5/13 AB meeting to render decisions and or change decisions.  Additionally, if any AB can attend the 5/7 PB meeting to gain further clarification for articles 10, 11, and 14, and bring this new information forward in the 5/13 AB meeting.

Before discussion was to start for Article 16, transfer funds to cover unpaid FY14 expenses, Jimmy O'Coin tabled the motion to discontinue the review of draft ATM Warrant.  Joe Lotuff seconded the motioned; all in attendance voted in favor.

Motion by Jimmy O'Coin to make a Reserve Fund transfer of $18K to cover the over-spend for the 2014 winter ice and snow removal expenses.   Joe Lotuff seconded the motioned; all in attendance voted in favor.  Prior to the motion and vote, the reserve fund was reviewed as follows: as of 5/5, $51K in Reserve.  If $18K allocated to snow/ice expense, $33K would remain in reserve and would be available for the FY15 budget.

Jimmy O'Coin made the motion to continue the review of draft ATM Warrant.  Joe Lotuff seconded the motioned; all in attendance voted in favor.

Article 16 read by Jimmy O'Coin.  Based on the reserve fund transfer, there would be no outstanding FY14 expenses to be allocated funds in Article 16.  AB decision and recommendation to the BOS that the planned motion for Article 16 be passed over.

Jimmy O'Coin motioned to accept the draft ATM Warrant as discussed and decided on during the AB meeting. Summary being Articles 10 and 11 left undecided; Article 14 No Support, and Article 16 to be passed over.   Joe Lotuff seconded the motioned; all in attendance voted in favor.

Public discussion with AB board to request Article 12, correction to zoning map, come before Article 10.  Rationale being having a corrected zoning map would make the Article 10 and 11 votes less confusing.  AB to convey this request to PB chair for consideration and if so supported, to make the motions during ATM to change the sequence.

No draft minutes to review and approve.

Next AB meeting to convene at 6.45PM at Thomas Prince School, before the start of the ATM (scheduled to start at 7:00PM)

AB discussed Articles 29 and 30, both articles reflect changes to the town bylaws that affect Advisory Board responsibilities.  John Shipman shared the discussions and decisions made on 4/28 during the BOS/AB joint meeting.  No changes were made to 4/28 AB decisions to support both articles.  

9:10PM  AB Adjourned. Motion by John Shipman, seconded by Jimmy O'Coin. All in attendance voted in favor.
Reference documents handed out by BOS to AB members:
- draft ATM for FY 7/1/2014-6/30/2015
- draft List of Motions per ATM Warrant article that BOS would make
Respectfully submitted,

Wayne M. Adams, AB Member