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April 18, 2013
Town of Princeton, MA
Princeton Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2013
AB Chair John Shipment called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. on 18 April, 2013.
AB members in attendance were:
John Shipman, Dave Cruise, George Handy, Terry Hart, Jim O’Coin, Joe Lotuff, Jim Comer
Others in attendance were:
John Lebeaux – Town Administrator
Stan Moss BOS
Town Administrator, John Lebeaux, reviewed:
Revenue/spending and recapitulation of each
(1-4)    Total taxation                 $8,034,337
(5)     WRSD                    ($47,087) will be explained by JL
(5)     Princeton State Aid     $435,152
               Total est. charges        $24,38
        WRSD 45 day’s window is not clear - budgeted at $29,158,028
        HWN Number is $27,153,400
WRSD budget for Town of Princeton is a net decrease
Holden, Sterling going with $29M number
School Department estimated $29,158,028
(6)     Local receipts          $812,007
(7)                                     $5,000
Total                           $1,252,987
Total Rev.                      $9,287,324
Available                       $9,217,101
Total available reserves        $1,352,967

Draft Warrant
Article #
(1)  AB votes yes approved Article 1
(2)  AB Board votes yes approved Article 2
(3)  WRSD Articles – AB votes TBD after 22 April, 2013
(9)  Monty Tech Article #1 - $14K per student
        Monty Tech in Top 20 MCAS in Commonwealth, above WRHS scores
        Assessment approx. $181K
        AB votes yes approved Article 9
(10)  Daily ambulance operation (OEMS) does not include stipend – level funding requested
        Provides for (2) per shift – EMT, PM – Mon-Fri 8-4 is the concern
        AB accepts and approves Article 10
(11)  Trash Operating – AB accepts and approves Article 11
(12)  Department revolving funds authorization – AB accepts and approves Article 12
(13)  Transfer from available funds a sum of money (under Article 3) – AB decision TBD
(14)  AB accepts and approves Article 14
(15)  AB accepts and approves transfer of $84,487 from available funds to stabilization funds or
      General Stabilization accounts.
(16)  AB decision TBD on Article 16
(17)  AB accepts – not to exceed $90,597 for Article 17
(18)  AB accepts – not to exceed $40,000 for Article 18
(19)  AB accepts – firm $35,000 for Article 19
(20)  AB accepts 6-1 – firm $4,000 for Article 20
(21)  AB accepts – firm $10,000 for Article 21
(22)  AB accepts – firm $30,000 for Article 22
(23)  AB accepts Article 23
(24)  AB accepts Article 24
(25)  AB accepts Article 25
(26)  AB votes TBD on Article 26
(27)  AB accepts Article 27
(28)  Article 28 has been removed from Warrant
(29)  AB accepts Article 29
(29A)  AB accepts Article 29A
(30)  AB votes TBD on Article 30
(31)  AB accepts (except Mechanics Hall and Thomas Prince) Article 31
(32)  AB accepts Article 32
(33)  AB votes TBD on Article 33
(34)  AB votes 6-1 in favor of postponing Article 34
Other Business
AB votes to approve $26,705 for interest only payment for the Thomas Prince Green Repair Project that had not been properly budgeted for.
Trial recap #1 reviewed – see John Lebeaux’s trial recap Doc. 4/18/13

AB Chair, John Shipment, adjourned the meeting at 7:31 p.m., 18 April, 2013.

James E. Comer
Princeton Advisory Board